

MySQL 5.7.2 がリリースされました


MySQL 5.7.1(マイルストーンリリース)は世界でもっともポピュラーなオープンソースデータベースの新しいバージョンです。これはMySQL 5.7の2番目のマイルストーンリリースです。

href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-development-cycle/en/development-milestone-releases.html" target="_blank">http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-development-cycle/en/development-milestone-releases.html


MySQL 5.7.2はMySQL 5.6のすべての機能を含んでいます

新しいサーバへMySQL 5.7.2をインストールする情報として、以下のMySQLのインストールドキュメントを参照してください。


MySQL Server 5.7.1は、ダウンロード・ページの開発リリースセクションから、ソースコードと多くのプラットフォームのためのバイナリをご利用いただけます。


MySQL 5.7.2で利用できるプラットフォームとパッケージのフォーマットはMySQL 5.6と同じです。


新規リリースされたMySQl 5.6.14と同様、5.7.2は完全なインストーラーの代替としてWebインストーラーも同梱されています



次の節では、開発開始から、そして5.6.10には含まれていないバグの修正、MySQL 5.7の変更を記載しています。これはオンラインでも閲覧できます。

Changes in MySQL 5.7.2 (Sep 21, 2013, Milestone 12)


This is a milestone release, for use at your own risk. Significant
development changes take place in milestone releases and you may
encounter compatibility issues, such as data format changes that
require attention in addition to the usual procedure of running
mysql_upgrade. For example, you may find it necessary to dump your
data with mysqldump before the upgrade and reload it afterward.

Authentication Notes

* Incompatible Change: Previously, account rows in the
mysql.user table could have an empty plugin column value. In
this case, the server authenticated such an account using
either the mysql_native_password or mysql_old_password plugin,
depending on whether the password hash value in the Password
column used native hashing or the older pre-4.1 hashing
method. With the deprecation of old-format password hashes in
MySQL 5.6.5, this heuristic for deciding which authentication
plugin to use is unnecessary and it is desirable that user
table rows always specify explicitly which authentication
plugin applies.
To that end, the plugin column is now defined to be non-NULL
with a default value of 'mysql_native_password', and
associated server operations require the column to be
nonempty. In conjunction with this plugin column definition
modification, several other changes have been made:

+ The --default-authentication-plugin command-line option
is reimplemented as the default_authentication_plugin
system variable. Its use at server startup is unchanged,
but now the default plugin value can be examined at
runtime using SHOW VARIABLES or SELECT
@@default_authentication_plugin. The variable is read
only and cannot be changed at runtime.

+ When mysql_install_db is run, it invokes the server to
initialize the mysql database. The server now assigns
every user table row a nonempty plugin column value. The
value is 'mysql_native_password' unless the
default_authentication_plugin system variable is set
otherwise at server startup.

+ mysql_upgrade checks user table rows and, for any row
with an empty plugin column, sets that column to
'mysql_native_password' or 'mysql_old_password' depending
on the hash format of the Password column value.

+ At startup, and at runtime when FLUSH PRIVILEGES is
executed, the server checks user table rows. For any row
with an empty plugin column, the server writes a warning
to the error log of this form:
[Warning] User entry 'user_name'@'host_name' has an empty plugin
value. The user will be ignored and no one can login with this user
To address this issue, execute mysql_upgrade.
If you upgrade to this release of MySQL from an earlier
version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart the server)
to incorporate the plugin column change into the mysql
database and assign the appropriate nonempty plugin value to
any empty plugin column values. However, because the server
now checks for and disables accounts with empty plugin column
values, it is necessary to upgrade as follows.
For an upgrade in which you plan to use the data directory
from your existing MySQL installation:

1. Stop the server

2. Upgrade MySQL in place

3. Restart the server with the --skip-grant-tables option to
disable privilege checking

4. Run mysql_upgrade

5. Restart the server normally (without --skip-grant-tables)
For an upgrade in which you plan to reload a dump file
generated from your existing MySQL installation:

1. To generate the dump file, run mysqldump without the
--flush-privileges option

2. Stop the server

3. Upgrade MySQL in place

4. Restart the server with the --skip-grant-tables option to
disable privilege checking

5. Reload the dump file (mysql < dump_file)

6. Execute mysql_upgrade

7. Restart the server normally (without --skip-grant-tables)

Diagnostics Notes

* Incompatible Change: Per the SQL standard, nondiagnostic
statements should clear the diagnostics area when they begin
executing. Previously, MySQL differed from this in that some
nondiagnostic statements did not do this. MySQL now follows
the SQL standard, which affects the content of the diagnostics
area for some statements. Consequently, the result from
statements such as SHOW WARNINGS that display the diagnostics
area now differs somewhat:

+ The previous behavior: SHOW WARNINGS displays information
about the conditions (errors, warnings, and notes)
resulting from the most recent statement in the current
session that generated messages. It shows nothing if the
most recent statement used a table and generated no
messages. (That is, statements that use a table but
generate no messages clear the message list.) Statements
that do not use tables and do not generate messages have
no effect on the message list.

+ The new behavior: SHOW WARNINGS displays information
about the conditions resulting from execution of the most
recent nondiagnostic statement in the current session.
The result from other diagnostic statements is affected
The following example demonstrates the difference in behavior.
mysql> DROP TABLE test.no_such_table;
ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table 'test.no_such_table'
mysql> SELECT @@warning_count;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
| Level | Code | Message |
| Error | 1051 | Unknown table 'test.no_such_table' |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Here, the SELECT statement does not use tables and does not
generate messages, so it does not change the diagnostics area.
Consequently, SHOW WARNINGS output pertains to the DROP TABLE
mysql> DROP TABLE test.no_such_table;
ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table 'test.no_such_table'
mysql> SELECT @@warning_count;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Empty set (0.00 sec)
Here, the SELECT statement clears the diagnostics area because
it is a nondiagnostic statement. Consequently, SHOW WARNINGS
output pertains to the SELECT statement (and is empty because
the SELECT produces no messages).
An implication of this change in diagnostics area handling is
that if you expect to display the warning count as well as the
list of messages, you should list the messages first because
selecting the warning_count value clears the message list.
Alternatively, use SHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS to display the
count; this is recognized as a diagnostic statement and does
not clear the diagnostics area. Similar considerations apply
to use of error_count.
For compliance with the SQL standard, which states that
diagnostics statements are not preparable, MySQL no longer
supports the following as prepared statements:



+ Statements containing any reference to the warning_count
or error_count system variable.
In other words, those statements are now treated, in terms of
preparability, the same as GET DIAGNOSTICS, which was already
not preparable.

Logging Notes

* Incompatible Change: Several changes have been made to provide
more logging control and more informative log messages:

+ The log_error_verbosity system variable now controls
verbosity of the server in writing error, warning, and
note messages to the error log. Permitted values are 1
(errors only), 2 (errors and warnings), 3 (errors,
warnings, and notes), with a default of 3.
log_error_verbosity is preferred over, and should be used
instead of, the older log_warnings system variable. See
the description of log_warnings for information about how
that variable relates to log_error_verbosity (Server
System Variables
The effective default verbosity is different now. The
previous default (log_warnings=1) corresponds to
log_error_verbosity=2, but the default
log_error_verbosity is 3. To achieve a logging level
similar to the previous default, set

+ Default server verbosity is less when invoked with the
--bootstrap option (such as is done by mysql_install_db):
Only errors are written during the installation process
so that they are less likely to be overlooked by the

+ The log_timestamps system variable has been introduced
for control of the timestamp time zone of messages
written to the error log, and of general query log and
slow query log messages written to files. (It does not
affect the time zone of general query log and slow query
log messages written to log tables, but rows retrieved
from those tables can be converted from the local system
time zone to any desired time zone with CONVERT_TZ() or
by setting the session time_zone system variable.)
The default timestamp time zone is different now (UTC
rather than the local system time zone). To restore the
previous default, set log_timestamps=SYSTEM.

+ The format of timestamps has changed for messages written
to the error log, and for general query log and slow
query log messages written to files. Timestamps are
written using ISO 8601 / RFC 3339 format:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.uuuuuu plus a tail value of Z
signifying Zulu time (UTC) or ±hh:mm (an offset from
UTC). In addition, for the general query log file,
timestamps are included in every message, not just when
the second changes.
The format of timestamps has also changed for messages
written to the general query log and slow query log
tables (mysql.general_log, mysql.slow_log), which now
include fractional seconds. (The column type for
timestamps has changed from TIMESTAMP to TIMESTAMP(6).)

+ Previously, the ID included in error log messages was the
mysqld process ID. Now the ID is that of the thread
within mysqld responsible for writing the message. This
is more informative with respect to which part of the
server produced the message. It is also more consistent
with general query log and slow query log messages, which
include the connection thread ID.
For information about log output destinations, see Selecting
General Query and Slow Query Log Output Destinations
. For information about specific logs, see The Error Log
(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/error-log.html), The
General Query Log
(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/query-log.html), and
The Slow Query Log

Performance Schema Notes

* The Performance Schema now instruments memory usage and
aggregates memory usage statistics, detailed by these factors:

+ Type of memory used (various caches, internal buffers,
and so forth)

+ Thread, account, user, host indirectly performing the
memory operation
The Performance Schema instruments the following aspects of
memory use

+ Memory sizes used

+ Operation counts

+ Low and high water marks
Memory sizes help to understand or tune the memory consumption
of a server.
Operation counts help to understand or tune the overall
pressure the server is putting on the memory allocator, which
has an impact on performance. Allocating a single byte one
million times is not the same as allocating one million bytes
a single time; tracking both sizes and counts can expose the
Low and high water marks are critical to detect workload
spikes, overall workload stability, and possible memory leaks.
These specific changes were implemented:

+ The setup_instruments table now has memory instruments.
These have names of the form
memory/component/instrument_name. Memory instrumentation
is disabled by default.

+ The performance_schema_max_memory_classes system variable
configures the maximum number of memory instruments.

+ The Performance_schema_memory_classes_lost status
variable indicates the number of times a memory
instrument could not be loaded.

+ Several summary tables aggregate memory-related events.
For more information, see Memory Summary Tables
If you upgrade to this release of MySQL from an earlier
version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart the server)
to incorporate these changes into the performance_schema

* The Performance Schema now instruments stored program
execution and aggregates statistics for them. This includes
stored procedures, stored functions, triggers, and Event
Scheduler events.
These specific changes were implemented:

+ The setup_instruments table has new instruments. The
statement/scheduler/event instrument tracks all events
executed by the Event Scheduler. Instruments with names
of the form statement/sp/program_instruction track
internal instructions executed by stored programs.

+ The setup_objects table OBJECT_TYPE column now permits
values of 'EVENT', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE', 'TABLE', or
'TRIGGER', not just 'TABLE'.

+ Statement event tables (events_statements_current,
events_statements_history, and
events_statements_history_long) now have a NESTING_LEVEL
column that indicates the event nesting level.

+ The performance_schema_max_program_instances and
performance_schema_max_statement_stack system variables
configure the maximum number of stored programs and the
maximum depth of nested stored program calls for which
the Performance Schema maintains statistics.

+ The Performance_schema_program_lost and
Performance_schema_nested_statement_lost status variables
indicate the number of stored programs for which
statistics were lost, and the number of stored program
statements for which statistics were lost.

+ The events_statements_summary_by_program summary table
aggregates statement events per stored program.
For more information, see Event Pre-Filtering
tering.html#performance-schema-pre-filtering), and Statement
Summary Tables
If you upgrade to this release of MySQL from an earlier
version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart the server)
to incorporate these changes into the performance_schema

* The Performance Schema now provides tables that expose
replication information. This is similar to the information
available from the SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement, but
representation in table form is more accessible and has
usability benefits:

+ SHOW SLAVE STATUS output is useful for visual inspection,
but not so much for programmatic use. By contrast, using
the Performance Schema tables, information about slave
status can be searched using general SELECT queries,
including complex WHERE conditions, joins, and so forth.

+ Query results can be saved in tables for further
analysis, or assigned to variables and thus used in
stored procedures.

+ The replication tables provide better diagnostic
information. For multi-threaded slave operation, SHOW
SLAVE STATUS reports all coordinator and worker thread
errors using the Last_SQL_Errno and Last_SQL_Error
fields, so only the most recent of those errors is
visible and information can be lost. The replication
tables store errors on a per-thread basis without loss of

+ The last seen transaction is visible in the replication
tables on a per-worker basis. This is information not
avilable from SHOW SLAVE STATUS.

+ Developers familiar with the Performance Schema interface
can extend the replication tables to provide additional
information by adding rows to the tables.
These tables provide replication information:

+ replication_connection_configuration and
replication_connection_status indicate the configuration
parameters used by the slave for connecting to the master
and the status of the connection.

+ replication_execute_configuration and
replication_execute_status indicate, for aspects of
transaction execution on the slave not specific to any
given thread, the configuration parameters and the
current execution status.

+ replication_execute_status_by_coordinator and
replication_execute_status_by_worker contain
thread-specific transaction execution information, either
about the SQL thread (for a single-threaded slave), or
about the coordinator and worker threads (for a
multi-threaded slave).
If the slave is multi-threaded, the SQL thread is the
coordinator for worker threads. In this case, the
Last_SQL_Error field of SHOW SLAVE STATUS output now shows
exactly what the Last_Error_Message column in the Performance
Schema replication_execute_status_by_coordinator table shows.
The field value is modified to suggest that there may be more
failures in the other worker threads which can be seen in the
replication_execute_status_by_worker table that shows each
worker thread's status.
For more information, see Performance Schema Replication
If you upgrade to this release of MySQL from an earlier
version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart the server)
to incorporate these changes into the performance_schema

RPM Notes

* It was not possible to upgrade a community RPM to a commercial
RPM using rpm -uvh or yum localupdate. To deal with this, the
RPM spec file has been updated in MySQL 5.7.2, which has the
following consequences:

+ For a non-upgrade installation (no existing MySQL version
installed), it possible to install MySQL using yum.

+ For upgrades, it is necessary to clean up any earlier
MySQL installations. In effect, the update is performed
by removing the old installations and installing the new
Additional details follow.
For a non-upgrade installation of MySQL 5.7.2, it is possible
to install using yum:
shell> yum install MySQL-server-NEWVERSION.glibc23.i386.rpm
For upgrades to MySQL 5.7.2, the upgrade is performed by
removing the old installation and installing the new one. To
do this, use the following procedure:

1. Remove the existing 5.7.X installation. OLDVERSION is the
version to remove.
shell> rpm -e MySQL-server-OLDVERSION.glibc23.i386.rpm
Repeat this step for all installed MySQL RPMs.

2. Install the new version. NEWVERSION is the version to
shell> rpm -ivh MySQL-server-NEWVERSION.glibc23.i386.rpm
Alternatively, the removal and installation can be done using
shell> yum remove MySQL-server-OLDVERSION.glibc23.i386.rpm
shell> yum install MySQL-server-NEWVERSION.glibc23.i386.rpm
(Bug #16445097, Bug #16445125, Bug #16587285)

Security Notes

* Platform availability, usability, and security of
mysql_secure_installation has been improved. Previously, this
program was a shell script available for Unix and Unix-like
systems. It has been converted to a binary executable program
(written in C++) that is available on all platforms.
Implementation as a C++ program permits
mysql_secure_installation to connect directly to the MySQL
server using the client/server protocol, rather than by
invoking mysql to do so and communicating with mysql using
temporary files.
This reimplementation of mysql_secure_installation is
feature-compatible with previous versions, but the following
usability improvements have been made:

+ The validate_password plugin can be used for password
strength checking.

+ Standard MySQL options such as --host and --port are
supported on the command line and in option files.
For more information, see mysql_secure_installation ---
Improve MySQL Installation Security
ion.html). For more information about validate_password, see
The Password Validation Plugin

Semisynchronous Replication Notes

* Replication: Semisynchronous replication master servers now
use a different wait point by default in communicating wih
slaves. This is the point at which the master waits for
acknowledgement of transaction receipt by a slave before
returning a status to the client that committed the
transaction. The wait point is controlled by the new
rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point system variable. These values
are permitted:

+ AFTER_SYNC (the default): The master writes each
transaction to its binary log and the slave, and syncs
the binary log to disk. The master waits for slave
acknowledgment of transaction receipt after the sync.
Upon receiving acknowledgment, the master commits the
transaction to the storage engine and returns a result to
the client, which then can proceed.

+ AFTER_COMMIT: The master writes each transaction to its
binary log and the slave, syncs the binary log, and
commits the transaction to the storage engine. The master
waits for slave acknowledgment of transaction receipt
after the commit. Upon receiving acknowledgment, the
master returns a result to the client, which then can
For older versions of MySQL, semisynchronous master
behavior is equivalent to a setting of AFTER_COMMIT.
The replication characteristics of these settings differ as

+ With AFTER_SYNC, all clients see the committed
transaction at the same time: After it has been
acknowledged by the slave and committed to the storage
engine on the master. Thus, all clients see the same data
on the master.
In the event of master failure, all transactions
committed on the master have been replicated to the slave
(saved to its relay log). A crash of the master and
failover to the slave is lossless because the slave is up
to date.

+ With AFTER_COMMIT, the client issuing the transaction
gets a return status only after the server commits to the
storage engine and receives slave acknowledgement. After
the commit and before slave acknowledgment, other clients
can see the committed transaction before the committing
If something goes wrong such that the slave does not
process the transaction, then in the event of a master
crash and failover to the slave, it is possible that such
clients will see a loss of data relative to what they saw
on the master.
The new wait point is a behavior change, but requires no
reconfiguration. The change does introduce a version
compatibility constraint because it increments the
semisynchronous interface version: Servers for MySQL 5.7.2 and
up do not work with semisynchronous replication plugins from
older versions, nor do servers from older versions work with
semisynchronous replication plugins for MySQL 5.7.2 and up.

Trigger Notes

* Previously, a table could have at most one trigger for each
combination of trigger event (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) and
action time (BEFORE, AFTER). This limitation has been lifted
and multiple triggers are permitted. Along with that change,
several additional modifications were made:

+ By default, triggers for each combination of trigger
event and action time execute in the order they were
created. To make it possible to specify trigger
activation order, CREATE TRIGGER now supports FOLLOWS and
PRECEDES clauses. Each clause takes the name of an
existing trigger that has the same trigger event and
action time.

+ The ACTION_ORDER column in the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TRIGGERS table is no longer 0 but an
integer greater than zero that indicates the order in
which triggers activate.

+ Creation time for triggers is now maintained, as a
TIMESTAMP(2) value (with a fractional part in hundredths
of seconds):
o The CREATED column in the TRIGGERS table is no
longer NULL, for triggers created as of MySQL 5.7.2.
o The same is true for the Created column of SHOW
TRIGGERS output, and for the (new) Created column of
o The tbl_name.TRG file that stores trigger
information for table tbl_name now contains a
created line with trigger creation times.
For additional information, see Using Triggers
er.html), SHOW TRIGGERS Syntax
ml), and Table Trigger Storage

+ If run against a table that has triggers, mysql_upgrade
and CHECK TABLE ... FOR UPGRADE display this warning for
each trigger created before MySQL 5.7.2:
Trigger db_name.tbl_name.trigger_name does not have CREATED attribute
The warning is informational only. No change is made to
the trigger.
These changes have implications for backups, upgrades, and
downgrades, as described following. For brevity, "multiple
triggers" here is shorthand for "multiple triggers that have
the same trigger event and action time."
Backup and restore. mysqldump dumps triggers in activation
order so that when the dump file is reloaded, triggers are
re-created in the same activation order. However, if a
mysqldump dump file contains multiple triggers for a table
that have the same trigger event and action time, an error
occurs for attempts to load the dump file into an older server
that does not support multiple triggers. (See the downgrading
notes for a workaround; you can convert triggers to be
compatible with older servers.)
Upgrades. Suppose that you upgrade an old server that does not
support multiple triggers to MySQL 5.7.2 or newer. If the new
server is a replication master and has old slaves that do not
support multiple triggers, an error occurs on those slaves if
a trigger is created on the master for a table that already
has a trigger with the same trigger event and action time. To
avoid this problem, upgrade the slaves first, then upgrade the
Downgrades. If you downgrade a server that supports multiple
triggers to an older version that does not, the downgrade has
these effects:

+ For each table that has triggers, all trigger definitions
remain in the .TRG file for the table. However, if there
are multiple triggers with the same trigger event and
action time, the server executes only one of them when
the trigger event occurs. For information about .TRG
files, see Table Trigger Storage

+ If triggers for the table are added or dropped subsequent
to the downgrade, the server rewrites the table's .TRG
file. The rewritten file retains only one trigger per
combination of trigger event and action time; the others
are lost.
To avoid these problems, modify your triggers before
downgrading. For each table that has multiple triggers per
combination of trigger event and action time, convert each
such set of triggers to a single trigger as follows:

1. For each trigger, create a stored routine that contains
all the code in the trigger. Values accessed using NEW
and OLD can be passed to the routine using parameters. If
the trigger needs a single result value from the code,
you can put the code in a stored function and have the
function return the value. If the trigger needs multiple
result values from the code, you can put the code in a
stored procedure and return the values using OUT

2. Drop all triggers for the table.

3. Create one new trigger for the table that invokes the
stored routines just created. The effect for this trigger
is thus the same as the multiple triggers it replaces.
  Functionality Added or Changed

* Performance; InnoDB: Memory for transaction instances (trx_t)
is now allocated in configurable sized blocks that are a
multiple of transaction instance size. Transaction instances
are also placed in a priority queue and ordered by their
address in memory so that when instances are allocated from
the pool, they are close together. This enhancement reduces
the cost incurred by iterating over transactions instances
when allocating instances from the pool.

* Performance; InnoDB: Internal B-tree index operations have
been optimized to reduce index locking contention.

* Performance; InnoDB: Multi-version concurrency control (MVCC
c)) in InnoDB requires that each transaction using MVCC
c) be assigned a read view. To improve InnoDB read-only and
read-write performance, read view creation has been optimized
by reducing mutex contention.

* Performance: Previously, the main loop responsible for
accepting client connections also performed initialization of
data structures related to each connection. These
initialization tasks now are delegated to worker threads to
minimize work done by the accept loop and maximize connection
acceptance rate. (Bug #62288, Bug #12951536, Bug #62284, Bug
#12951595, Bug #62283, Bug #12951605)

* Incompatible Change: The bind_address, thread_cache_size, and
thread_handling system variables as well as the
Slow_launch_threads and Thread_cached status variables are not
meaningful in the embedded server. These variables are no
longer visible within the embedded server and embedded
applications that rely on these variables should be should be
modified accordingly. (Bug #62288, Bug #12951536, Bug #62284,
Bug #12951595, Bug #62283, Bug #12951605)

* Incompatible Change: The unused --basedir and --datadir
options for mysql_upgrade have been removed.

* Important Change; Replication: By default, when promoting
integers from a smaller type on the master to a larger type on
the slave (for example, from a SMALLINT column on the master
to a BIGINT column on the slave), the promoted values are
treated as though they are signed. Now in such cases it is
possible to modify or override this behavior using one or both
of ALL_SIGNED, ALL_UNSIGNED in the set of values specified for
the slave_type_conversions server system variable. For more
information, see Row-based replication: attribute promotion
and demotion
, as well as the description of the variable. (Bug #15831300)

* InnoDB: innochecksum functionality has been enhanced with new
options and extended capabilities. See innochecksum ---
Offline InnoDB File Checksum Utility
(Bug #16945722)

* InnoDB: A new CMake option, WITH_INNODB_EXTRA_DEBUG, has been
added that enables additional InnoDB debug checks.
WITH_INNODB_EXTRA_DEBUG can only be enabled when the
WITH_DEBUG option is also enabled. (Bug #16821155)

* InnoDB: A number of internal debug flags in the InnoDB code
could only be set at compilation time or from a debugger. As a
result, a significant amount of diagnostic information was
unused. This enhancement replaces internal debug flags with
DBUG labels so that the DBUG package
(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/dbug-package.html) can
be used and printouts from various InnoDB subsystems can be
enabled using the mysqld --debug command line option. See the
Debugging a MySQL Server
section for information about configuring MySQL for debugging,
creating trace files, and using the mysqld --debug option.

* InnoDB: The process for converting a transaction's implicit
lock to an explicit lock has been optimized to improve
performance. The optimization reduces lock_sys_t::mutex

* InnoDB: Beginning with MySQL 5.7.2, UPDATE_TIME displays a
timestamp value for the last UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE
performed on InnoDB tables. Previously, UPDATE_TIME displayed
a NULL value for InnoDB tables. For MVCC, the timestamp value
reflects the COMMIT time, which is considered the last update
time. Timestamps are not persisted when the server is
restarted or when the table is evicted from the InnoDB data
dictionary cache.

* InnoDB: For SELECT COUNT (*) queries, where a table's
committed record count is changed by transaction deltas, there
is now a single handler call to the storage engine to return
the record count to the optimizer instead of one call for each
record. This change generally improves SELECT COUNT (*) query
performance and reduces in-memory table scan cost, as each
record is no longer returned to the optimizer.
In some instances, however, where there is a large clustered
index and a very small secondary index, performance may not be
improved. Previously, the optimizer would choose to traverse
the smaller secondary index instead of the larger clustered
index. The smaller secondary index could, in this case, offer
better performance than a clustered index with a single
handler call to the storage engine. However, there may be no
performance benefit if the secondary index is often updated.
When a secondary index page is modified by a transaction that
is more recent than the COUNT(*) transaction, InnoDB must read
the clustered index to determine if the record is visible. In
this case, InnoDB would read both the secondary and clustered
index, which is costlier than reading only the clustered

* InnoDB: Read-only transactions will no longer be assigned a
transaction ID. Conversely, an ID will only be assigned if a
transaction is explicitly tagged as "read-write", if a
transaction has acquired an X or IX lock on a table, or if a
transaction is a read-only transaction writing to a temporary
table. All other transactions are considered "read-only" and
are not assigned an ID. Furthermore, read-only transactions
are not tagged as "read-only" unless they are explicitly
started with START TRANSACTION READ ONLY. For transactions
without transaction IDs, SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS prints an
identifier that is unique but only within the context of the

* InnoDB: MySQL 5.7.2 introduces a new type of undo log for both
normal and compressed temporary tables and related objects.
The new type of undo log is not a redo log, as temporary
tables are not recovered during crash recovery and do not
require redo logs. The new undo log
o_log) resides in the temporary tablespace. The default
temporary tablespace file, ibtmp1, is located in the data
directory by default and is always recreated on server
startup. A user defined location for the temporary tablespace
file can be specified by setting innodb_temp_data_file_path.
For more information, see InnoDB Temporary Table Undo Logs

* InnoDB: The limit on concurrent data-modifying transactions
nsaction) is now 96 * 1023 transactions that generate undo
o_log). As of MySQL 5.7.2, 32 of 128 rollback segments
lback_segment) are allocated to non-redo logs for transactions
that modify temporary tables and related objects. This reduces
the maximum number of concurrent data-modifying transactions
from 128K to 96K. The 96K limit assumes that transactions do
not modify temporary tables. If all data-modifying
transactions also modify temporary tables, the limit would be
32K concurrent transactions.

* InnoDB: DML operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) for temporary
tables have been optimized by turning off redo logging,
locking, and change buffering that is not required for
temporary tables. Turning off these functions optimizes
temporary table DML operations by reducing associated I/O.

* InnoDB: InnoDB buffer pool dump and load operations have been
enhanced. A new system variable, innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct,
allows you to specify the percentage of most recently used
pages in each buffer pool to read out and dump. When there is
other I/O activity being performed by InnoDB background tasks,
InnoDB attempts to limit the number of buffer pool load
operations per second using the innodb_io_capacity setting.

* InnoDB: Buffer pool list scans and related batch processing
have been optimized to reduce scan complexity and the number
of pages scanned. For more information, see Buffer Pool List
Scan and Batch Processing Optimization

* InnoDB: Refactored mutex code makes selecting the appropriate
mutex easier and allows multiple mutex types to be combined in
the same instance. The refactored code also removes the
distinction between fast_mutex_t and home brew ib_mutex_t
types, implements a common interface for both mutex types, and
allows new mutex types to be added in the future.
Additionally, mutex code is decoupled from InnoDB code so that
it can be used as a library, and a "PolicyMutex" interface has
been introduced. The new interface uses static inheritance
(templates) for mutex implementation making it easier to
define policies and customize mutex behavior.

* Partitioning: The following operations are now supported for
individual subpartitions as well as partitions: ANALYZE,
TABLE Partition Operations
operations.html)). (Bug #14028340, Bug #65184)

* Replication: Previously, transactions could be applied in
parallel only if they did not touch the same database.
However, the MySQL Server uses a lock-based scheduler, which
means that it should be possible to execute in parallel all
uncommitted replication threads already in the prepare phase,
without violating consistency. Such parallel execution can now
be enabled on the slave by starting the slave mysqld with
--slave-parallel-type=LOGICAL_CLOCK or, if mysqld is already
started, by setting the value of the global system variable
slave_parallel_type to 'LOGICAL_CLOCK' on a stopped slave.
When this feature is enabled, each transaction is marked with
a logical timestamp. This timestamp identifies the last
transaction committed at the time that the current transaction
entered the prepare stage, and all transactions having the
same timestamp can execute in parallel.
To disable this feature without restarting, stop the slave
using STOP SLAVE (if it is running as a slave), issue SET
@global-slave_parallel_type='DATABASE', then issue START SLAVE
when you want the slave to resume. You can also disable the
feature by restarting the slave mysqld without the
--slave-parallel-type option, or by setting it explicitly to
DATABASE. When parallel execution of preapred transactions is
disabled, the slave follows the old behavior and applies in
parallel only those transactions that do not cause changes in
the same database.

* Support for LinuxThreads has been removed from the source
code. LinuxThreads was superseded by NPTL in Linux 2.6. (Bug

* Support for building Apple universal binaries to support
PowerPC has been removed from the source code. (Bug #16959103)

* CMake no longer checks for memmove() or memcpy() because they
are standard C library functions. Also, implementation of the
bmove_upp() function was replaced with calls to memmove(),
which may have positive performance implications. (Bug

* The C API libmysqlclient shared-library .so files now have
version 18.1.0 (up from version 18.0.0 used in MySQL 5.5).
18.1.0 can be used as a replacement for 18.0.0. (Bug

* Use of DYNAMIC_ARRAY was reduced, which improves performance
of certain range queries by 3-4%. (Bug #16736776, Bug

* mysql_upgrade now verifies that the server version matches the
version against which it was compiled, and exits if there is a
mismatch. In addiion, a --version-check option permits
specifying whether to enable version checking (the default),
or disable checking if given as --skip-version-checking. (Bug

* mysqladmin now supports a --show-warnings option to display
warnings resulting from execution of statements sent to the
server. (Bug #16517756)

* The following items are deprecated and will be removed in a
future MySQL release. Where alternatives are shown,
applications should be updated to use them.

+ The ENCODE() and DECODE() functions. Use AES_ENCRYPT()
and AES_DECRYPT() instead.

Performance Schema instead; see MySQL Performance Schema
(Bug #16463921)

* Invoking CMake with -DWITH_AUTHENTICATION_PAM=1 now causes the
build to fail (rather than issue only a warning) if the PAM
plugin cannot be built. (Bug #14554639)

* In batch mode, mysql formatted result status messages such as
""Query OK, 1 row affected"" but did not print them. Now these
messages are not formatted. (Bug #69486, Bug #16971432)

* Several inefficiencies were corrected:

+ A loop in Item_in_subselect::single_value_transformer()
could execute too many times.

+ The myisamchk(), my_test_if_sort_rep(), and
recreate_table() functions in MyISAM code could execute
too many times.
Thanks to Po-Chun Chang for the patches to correct these
issues. (Bug #69138, Bug #16764131, Bug #69117, Bug #16751784,
Bug #69561, Bug #17007268, Bug #69553, Bug #17001703)

* Plugins can now define and expose floating-point system
variables of type double using the MYSQL_SYSVAR_DOUBLE() and
MYSQL_THDVAR_DOUBLE() accessor macros. See Client Plugin
.html#client-plugin-descriptors). (Bug #68121, Bug #16194302)

* Semi-join LooseScan strategy now can use ref access and
applies to a wider range of queries.

* EXPLAIN can now be used to obtain the execution plan for an
explainable statement executing in a named connection:
EXPLAIN [options] FOR CONNECTION connection_id;
For example, if you are running a statement in one session
that is taking a long time to complete, using EXPLAIN FOR
CONNECTION in another session may yield useful information
about the cause of the delay and help you optimize the
connection_id is the connection identifier, as obtained from
PROCESSLIST statement. If you have the PROCESS privilege, you
can specify the identifier for any connection. Otherwise, you
can specify the identifier only for your own connections.
Changes in EXPLAIN output:

+ In the output from EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION, an Extra value
of Plan isn't ready yet means that the optimizer has not
finished creating the execution plan for the statement
executing in the named connection. (For JSON-format
output, this is indicated by planned: false.)

+ In the output from any EXPLAIN used to obtain the
execution plan for non-SELECT statements, the select_type
value displays the statement type for affected tables.
For example, select_type is DELETE for DELETE statements.
For more information, see EXPLAIN Syntax

* To make it easier to see the difference between good and bad
execution plans, JSON-format EXPLAIN output now includes this
additional cost information:

+ query_cost: The total cost of a query block, whether a
top-level query or subquery. For a top-level SELECT, this
should be equal to the Last_query_cost status variable.

+ sort_cost: The cost of the first sorting operation (GROUP
BY or ORDER BY) where and if filesort is used.

+ read_cost: The cost of reading data from each table used
in the query block (that is, access method cost).

+ eval_cost: The cost of condition evaluation for each
table in the query block.

+ prefix_cost: The cost of executing prefix join in the
query block; that is, the cost of joining tables of the
query block from the first one to the one (and including
it) for which the value is given.

+ data_read_per_join: The estimated amount of data
processed by the handler interface per query or subquery
execution. This is essentially record width * number of
read records.

+ rows_produced_per_join/ rows_examined_per_join: The
estimated number of records from the table (per table
from the query block) produced or examined per single
query block execution.

+ used_columns: The list of columns from the table (per
each table in the query block) used for either read or
write in the query.
This cost information is not displayed for INFORMATION_SCHEMA

* MySQL supports the use of client-side plugins that implement a
trace of communication between a client and the server that
takes place using the client/server protocol. Protocol trace
plugins use the client plugin API (see Writing Plugins
In MySQL source distributions, a test protocol trace plugin is
implemented in the test_trace_plugin.cc file in the libmysql
directory. This can be examined as a guide to writing other
protocol trace plugins.

Bugs Fixed

* Performance; Important Change; InnoDB: InnoDB would fail to
open a tablespace that has multiple data files. This removes
the known limitation that was in MySQL Server 5.6.12. (Bug
#17033706, Bug #69623)

* Performance; InnoDB: A code regression introduced in MySQL 5.6
negatively impacted DROP TABLE and ALTER TABLE performance.
This could cause a performance drop between MySQL Server 5.5.x
and 5.6.x. (Bug #16864741, Bug #69316)

* Performance; InnoDB: When innodb_thread_concurrency is set to
a non-zero value, there was a possibility that all
innodb_concurrency_tickets would be released after each row
was read, resulting in a concurrency check after each read.
This could impact performance of all queries. One symptom
could be higher system CPU usage. We strongly recommend that
you upgrade to MySQL Server 5.6.13 if you use this setting.
This could cause a performance drop between MySQL Server 5.5.x
and 5.6.x. (Bug #68869, Bug #16622478)

* Incompatible Change: When used for an existing MySQL account,
the GRANT statement could produce unexpected reults if it
included an IDENTIFIED WITH clause that named an
authentication plug differing from the plugin named in the
corresponding mysql.user table row.
Because IDENTIFIED WITH is intended for GRANT statements that
create a new user, it is now prohibited if the named account
already exists. (Bug #16083276)

* Incompatible Change: It is possible for a column DEFAULT value
to be valid for the sql_mode value at table-creation time but
invalid for the sql_mode value when rows are inserted or
updated. Example:
SET sql_mode = '';
In this case, 0 should be accepted for the CREATE TABLE but
rejected for the INSERT. However, the server did not evaluate
DEFAULT values used for inserts or updates against the current
sql_mode. In the example, the INSERT succeeds and inserts
'0000-00-00' into the DATE column.
The server now applies the proper sql_mode checks to generate
a warning or error at insert or update time.
A resulting incompatibility for replication if you use
statement-based logging (binlog_format=STATEMENT) is that if a
slave is upgraded, a nonupgraded master will execute the
preceding example without error, whereas the INSERT will fail
on the slave and replication will stop.
To deal with this, stop all new statements on the master and
wait until the slaves catch up. Then upgrade the slaves
followed by the master. Alternatively, if you cannot stop new
statements, temporarily change to row-based logging on the
master (binlog_format=ROW) and wait until all slaves have
processed all binary logs produced up to the point of this
change. Then upgrade the slaves followed by the master and
change the master back to statement-based logging. (Bug
#68041, Bug #16078943)

* Important Change; Replication: When the server was running
with --binlog-ignore-db and SELECT DATABASE() returned NULL
(that is, there was no currently selected database),
statements using fully qualified table names in dbname.tblname
format were not written to the binary log. This was because
the lack of a currently selected database in such cases was
treated as a match for any possible ignore option rather than
for no such option; this meant that these statements were
always ignored.
Now, if there is no current database, a statement using fully
qualified table names is always written to the binary log.
(Bug #11829838, Bug #60188)

* InnoDB; Partitioning: Following any query on the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS table, InnoDB index statistics
as shown in the output of statements such as SHOW INDEX were
updated, even with innodb_stats_on_metadata=OFF. (Bug

* InnoDB; Partitioning: Joins involving partitioned InnoDB
tables having one or more BLOB columns were not always handled
correctly. The BLOB column or columns were not required to be
join columns, or otherwise to be named or referenced in the
statement containing the join, for this issue to occur. (Bug

* InnoDB; Replication: Trying to update a column, previously set
to NULL, of an InnoDB table with no primary key caused
replication to fail on the slave with Can't find record in
This issue was inadvertently reintroduced in MySQL 5.6.6, and
fixed again in MySQL 5.6.12.
(Bug #11766865, Bug #60091)
References: See also Bug #16566658.

* InnoDB: When logging the delete-marking of a record during
online ALTER TABLE...ADD PRIMARY KEY, InnoDB writes the
transaction ID to the log as it was before the deletion or
delete-marking of the record. When doing this, InnoDB would
overwrite the DB_TRX_ID field in the original table, which
could result in locking issues. (Bug #17316731)

* InnoDB: The row_sel_sec_rec_is_for_clust_rec function would
incorrectly prepare to compare a NULL column prefix in a
secondary index with a non-NULL column in a clustered index.
(Bug #17312846)

* InnoDB: An incorrect purge would occur when rolling back an
update to a delete-marked record. (Bug #17302896)

* InnoDB: An assertion failure would occur while searching an
index tree and traversing multiple levels where a block is
accessed or pinned at each level. (Bug #17315967)

* InnoDB: In Windows 64-bit debug builds, read view COPY_TRX_IDS
would report a "vector subscript out of range" error to
standard error output. (Bug #17320056)

* InnoDB: The assertion ut_ad(oldest_lsn <= cur_lsn) in file
buf0flu.cc would fail because the current max LSN would be
retrieved from the buffer pool before the oldest LSN. (Bug

* InnoDB: InnoDB memcached add and set operations would perform
more slowly than SQL INSERT operations. (Bug #17214191)

* InnoDB: As commented in log0log.h, old_lsn and old_buf_free
should only be compiled when UNIV_LOG_DEBUG is enabled. (Bug
#17160270, Bug #69724)

* InnoDB: Before dropping an index, a check is performed to
ensure the index root page is free. If the index root page is
free, dropping activity is avoided. A transaction would be
initialized before the check is performed. If the check
evaluated to true, the initialized transaction would be left
in a dangling state. (Bug #17076822)

* InnoDB: InnoDB would rename a user-defined foreign key
constraint containing the string "_ibfk_" in its name,
resulting in a duplicate constraint. (Bug #17076737, Bug
#69693, Bug #17076718, Bug #69707)

* InnoDB: When started in ready-only mode, InnoDB would assert
on a SAVEPOINT. (Bug #17086428)

* InnoDB: In debug builds, the trx_sys->rw_max_trx_id variable
would sometimes be reversed resulting in an inconsistent
CLUST_INDEX_SIZE value. (Bug #17026780)

* InnoDB: An InnoDB monitor test would raise an assertion in
ha_innodb.cc due to a mutex conflict. (Bug #17027249)

* InnoDB: A regression introduced in the fix for Bug #14606334
would cause crashes on startup during crash recovery. (Bug

* InnoDB: Rolling back an INSERT after a failed BLOB write would
result in an assertion failure. The assertion has been
modified to allow NULL BLOB pointers if an error occurs during
a BLOB write. (Bug #16971045)

* InnoDB: The ha_innobase::clone function would incorrectly
assert that a thread cannot clone a table handler that is used
by another thread, and that the original table handler and the
cloned table handler must belong to the same transaction. The
incorrect assertions have been removed. (Bug #17001980)

* InnoDB: To avoid namespace clashes, usage of 'using namespace
std' has been removed from InnoDB. (Bug #16899560)

* InnoDB: Optimized explicit record locking routines. (Bug

* InnoDB: The server would crash during a memcached set
operation. The failure was due to a padded length value for a
utf8 char column. During a memcached update operation, a field
from an old tuple would be copied with a data length that was
less than the padded utf8 char column value. This fix ensures
that old tuples are not copied. Instead, a new tuple is
created each time. (Bug #16875543)

* InnoDB: When CHECK TABLE found a secondary index that
contained the wrong number of entries, it would report an
error but not mark the index as corrupt. CHECK TABLE now marks
the index as corrupt when this error is encountered, but only
the index is marked as corrupt, not the table. As a result,
only the index becomes unusable until it is dropped and
rebuilt. The table is unaffected. (Bug #16914007)

* InnoDB: InnoDB would attempt to gather statistics on partially
created indexes. (Bug #16907783)

* InnoDB: A full-text search using the IN BOOLEAN MODE
modifier would result in an assertion failure. (Bug #16927092)
References: This bug is a regression of Bug #16516193.

* InnoDB: SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output would reference a
thread in hex format (example: thread handle 0x880) while the
same thread would be referenced in the SHOW ENGINE INNODB
STATUS transaction list using a decimal format (example:
thread id 2176). (Bug #16934269, Bug #69437)

* InnoDB: When dropping all indexes on a column with multiple
indexes, InnoDB would fail to block a DROP INDEX operation
when a foreign key constraint requires an index. (Bug

* InnoDB: The two INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables for the InnoDB
buffer pool could show an invalid page type for read-fixed
blocks. This fix will show the unknown page type for blocks
that are I/O-fixed for reading. (Bug #16859867)

* InnoDB: InnoDB record comparison functions have been
simplified and optimized. (Bug #16852278)

* InnoDB: innochecksum would ignore the return value of fwrite
which could result in an error or generate warnings and
compilation errors when WITH_INNODB_EXTRA_DEBUG CMake is
enabled. (Bug #16872677)

* InnoDB: An assertion in row0mysql.cc, which ensures that the
dictionary operation lock is not taken recursively, would
fail. (Bug #16862290)

* InnoDB: An assertion failure would occur in file row0log.cc on
ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT tables that contained an unexpected but
valid data directory flag. (Bug #16863098)

* InnoDB: Removed invalid compilation warning messages that
appeared when compiling the InnoDB memcached plugin. (Bug

* InnoDB: The page_zip_validate() debug function, which is
enabled when UNIV_ZIP_DEBUG is defined at compilation time,
invokes page_zip_decompress(), which in turn would update some
compression statistics. This would cause some mysql-test-run
tests to fail. (Bug #16759605)

* InnoDB: Valgrind testing returned memory leak errors which
resulted from a regression introduced by the fix for Bug
#11753153. The dict_create_add_foreign_to_dictionary function
would call pars_info_create but failed to call pars_info_free.
(Bug #16754901)

* InnoDB: In debug builds, an online ALTER TABLE operation that
performed a full table copy would raise an assertion. The
assertion was due to a race condition that would occur during
BLOB retrieval, when applying the table modification log to
any log block except for the very last one. This fix modifies
row_log_table_apply_convert_mrec() to ensure that an index
B-tree lock is acquired to protect the access to log->blobs
and the BLOB page. (Bug #16774118)

* InnoDB: When the function trx_rollback_or_clean_recovered()
rolls back or cleans up transactions during a crash recovery,
it removes the trx objects from the trx_sys list without
freeing up the memory used by those objects. To prevent a
memory leak, this fix adds trx_free_for_background() calls to
trx_rollback_resurrected(), the function that removes the trx
objects. (Bug #16754776)

* InnoDB: During an insert buffer merge, InnoDB would invoke
lock_rec_restore_from_page_infimum() on a potentially invalid
record pointer. (Bug #16806366)

* InnoDB: This patch removes the UNIV_INTERN function, which was
introduced in MySQL 5.1 to help replace static linking in
InnoDB with the shared object plugin. UNIV_INTERN is no longer
required. (Bug #16781511)

* InnoDB: The innodb_rwlock_x_spin_waits item in the
value as the innodb_rwlock_x_os_waits item. (Bug #16798175)

* InnoDB: In debug builds, an assertion could occur in
OPT_CHECK_ORDER_BY when using binary directly in a search
string, as binary may include NULL bytes and other
non-meaningful characters. This fix will remove non-meaningful
characters before the search is run. (Bug #16766016)

* InnoDB: The trx_tables_locked counter in
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX would not account for all tables
with locks. (Bug #16793724)

* InnoDB: A missing comma in SHOW STATUS output would break
MySQL Enterprise Monitor parsing. (Bug #16723686)

* InnoDB: After a clean shutdown, InnoDB does not check .ibd
file headers at startup. As a result, in a crash recovery
scenario, InnoDB could load a corrupted tablespace file. This
fix implements consistency and status checks to avoid loading
corrupted files. (Bug #16720368)

* InnoDB: A memory leak would occur in
dict_check_tablespaces_and_store_max_id() when space_id is
equal to zero. (Bug #16737332)

* InnoDB: Some characters in the identifier for a foreign key
eign_key_constraint) are modified during table exports. (Bug
#16722314, Bug #69062)

* InnoDB: The page_zip_validate() consistency check would fail
after compressing a page, in page_zip_compress(). This problem
was caused by page_zip_decompress(), which would fail to set
heap_no correctly when a record contained no user data bytes.
A record with no user data bytes occurs when, for example, a
primary key is an empty string and all secondary index fields
are NULL or an empty string. (Bug #16736929)

* InnoDB: This patch is a code cleanup which may provide a minor
performance improvement when keys are not used on columns and
when using the default latin1_swedish_ci collation. (Bug

* InnoDB: A regression introduced with the fix for Bug #11762038
would cause InnoDB to raise an incorrect error message. The
message stated that, "InnoDB cannot delete/update rows with
cascading foreign key constraints that exceed max depth of
20". The error message would occur when killing connections
reading from InnoDB tables that did not have foreign key
constraints. (Bug #16710923)

* InnoDB: In debug builds, an assertion failure would occur if
innodb_log_group_home_dir does not exist. Instead of an
assertion, InnoDB now aborts with an error message if
innodb_log_group_home_dir does not exist. (Bug #16691130, Bug

* InnoDB: Stale InnoDB memcached connections would result in a
memory leak. (Bug #16707516, Bug #68530)

* InnoDB: An INSERT into a temporary table resulted in the
following assert: ASSERT ID > 0 IN TRX_WRITE_TRX_ID(). This
fix corrects conditions for moving a transaction from a
read-only list to a read-write list when the server is running
in read-only mode. (Bug #16660575)

* InnoDB: A race condition would occur between ALTER TABLE ...
ADD KEY and INSERT statements, resulting in an "Unable to
Purge a Record" error. (Bug #16628233)

* InnoDB: Shutting down and restarting InnoDB with
--innodb-force-recovery set to 3 or greater (4, 5, or 6) and
attempting to drop a table would result in a crash. With
innodb_force_recovery mode set to 3 or greater DML operations
should be blocked and DDL operations allowed. This fix ensures
that DDL operations are allowed. (Bug #16631778)

* InnoDB: A full-text search that returns large result sets
would consume an excessive amount of memory due to use of a
red-black tree for holding full-text search results. This fix
reduces and imposes a limit on memory consumption. If the
limit is exceeded, a message is returned indicating that the
full-text search query exceeds the maximum allowed memory.
(Bug #16625973)

* InnoDB: An existing full-text index would become invalid after
running ALTER TABLE ADD FULLTEXT due to an unsynchronized
full-text cache. (Bug #16662990, Bug #17373659)

* InnoDB: When ADD PRIMARY KEY columns are reordered in an ALTER
TABLE statement (for example: ALTER TABLE t1 ADD PRIMARY
KEY(a,b), CHANGE a a INT AFTER b), the log apply for UPDATE
operations would fail to find rows. (Bug #16586355)

* InnoDB: DML operations on compressed temporary tables would
result in a Valgrind error in the buffer manager stack. (Bug

* InnoDB: In debug builds, the assert_trx_in_list() assert would
fail, causing a race condition. This fix removes the assert.
The same assert is verified in the caller and existing checks
are sufficient. (Bug #16567258)

* InnoDB: A code regression resulted in a record lock wait in a
dictionary operation. A code modification made to avoid
starting a transaction on a temporary table failed to reset
the state back to init upon completion of the operation. If a
transaction is started, the state is usually reset by
trx_commit. To catch similar problems in the future, this fix
adds asserts to innobase_commit(), innobase_rollback(), and
ha_innobase::update_thd() that trigger when
trx->dict_operation and trx->dict_operation_lock_mode are not
set. (Bug #16575799)

* InnoDB: This fix addresses a race condition that would occur
between the rollback of a recovered transaction and creation
of a secondary index in a locked operation. The race condition
would corrupt the secondary index. (Bug #16593427)

* InnoDB: The MySQL printf facility (my_vsnprintf) did not
understand the Microsoft I32 and I64 integer format width
specifiers, such as %I64u for printing a 64-bit unsigned
integer. As a result, DBUG_PRINT could not be used with the
InnoDB UINT64PF format, which is defined as %I64u on Windows.
This fix replaces the non-standard "I64" and "I32" length
modifiers on Windows with "ll" and "l" so that they will be
understood by both my_snprintf() and ut_snprintf(). (Bug

* InnoDB: ALTER TABLE operations on InnoDB tables that added a
PRIMARY KEY using a column prefix could produce an incorrect
result. (Bug #16544336)

* InnoDB: For ALTER TABLE operations on InnoDB tables that
required a table-copying operation, other transactions on the
table might fail during the copy. However, if such a
transaction issued a partial rollback, the rollback was
treated as a full rollback. (Bug #16544143)

* InnoDB: Under certain circumstances, LRU flushing would take a
long time possibly affecting all flushing activity and causing
a shutdown timeout. (Bug #16500209)

* InnoDB: The recv_writer thread would only start after all redo
log scans finished. In the case of multiple redo log scans,
accumulated redo records would be applied after each scan and
before processing the next scan. The absence of the
recv_writer thread to help with flushing would slow recovery
or result in a server startup timeout. This fix ensures that
the recv_writer thread starts before the first scan batch is
processed. (Bug #16501172)
     * InnoDB: During a transaction commit, prepare_commit_mutex is
acquired to preserve the commit order. If the commit operation
failed, the transaction would be rolled back but the mutex
would not be released. Subsequent insert operations would not
be able to acquire the same mutex. This fix frees
prepare_commit_mutex during innobase_rollback. (Bug #16513588)

* InnoDB: The row0purge.h include file contained a
self-referencing inclusion. (Bug #16521741)

* InnoDB: The InnoDB memcached test.demo_test table would fail
to work when defined as a utf8 charset table. (Bug #16499038)

* InnoDB: This fix replaces the IB_ULONGLONG_MAX constant with
LSN_MAX where the code refers to log sequence numbers, or with
TRX_ID_MAX where trx->no is initialized to an undefined value.
This change does not alter the value of the constant. (Bug

* InnoDB: This fix corrects the text for InnoDB error 6025,
which stated, "InnoDB: read can't be opened in ./ib_logfile0
mode.". The corrected message states, "InnoDB: ./ib_logfile0
can't be opened in read mode." The variable and mode in the
message construct were transposed. (Bug #16434398)

* InnoDB: The page_zip_available function would count some
fields twice. (Bug #16463505)

* InnoDB: This fix removes most calls to OS_THREAD_SLEEP from
InnoDB. (Bug #16472953, Bug #68588)

* InnoDB: Concurrently inserting into a full-text table would
cause some inserts to fail. Duplicate values would be
generated for full-text search document IDs when performing
inserts into a hidden full-text search document ID column.
(Bug #16469399)

* InnoDB: FLUSH TABLES FOR EXPORT would sleep too often while
flushing pages from buffer pools. (Bug #16471701)

* InnoDB: In cases where threads are forced to do single page
flushing, fsync() would be triggered for all data files. This
fix allows for synchronous single page flushing. (Bug

* InnoDB: When changing the shared tablespace file name using
innodb_data_file_path and leaving the current log files in
place, InnoDB would create a new tablespace file and overwrite
the log files resulting in a mismatch between the data
dictionary and tables on disk. This bug fix ensures that
InnoDB does not create a new tablespace if there are
inconsistent system tablespaces, undo tablespaces, or redo log
files. (Bug #16418661)

* InnoDB: An InnoDB memcached file descriptor leak would cause a
serious error. (Bug #16466664)

* InnoDB: In debug builds, an insert would fail with an invalid
assertion: sync_thread_levels_g(array, level - 1, TRUE). (Bug

* InnoDB: Multiple concurrent calls to dict_update_statistics()
would result in unnecessary server load. (Bug #16400412)

* InnoDB: On 64-bit Windows builds, INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE
would not accept an allocation of more than 32GB. This
limitation was due to a bug that truncated the internal value
for the InnoDB buffer pool size to 32 bits on 64-bit Windows
builds. (Bug #16391722, Bug #68470)

* InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that performed a table copy
failed because a temporary tablespace with the same name
already existed. This fix makes temporary tables and
tablespace names more unique by adding the current log
sequence number (LSN) to the end of the previous table or file
name. For example, table name "test/#sql-ib21" becomes
"test/#sql-ib21-1701208," where 1701208 is the current LSN.
Both the LSN and the table ID are needed to ensure that the
name is unique because it is theoretically possible for
multiple threads to have the same LSN. Including the table ID
allows the temporary name to be associated with the table.
(Bug #16403420)

* InnoDB: Crash recovery would fail with a !recv_no_log_write
assertion when reading a page. (Bug #16405422)

* InnoDB: Restarting InnoDB in read-only mode and running a
workload would occasionally return a global_segment <
os_aio_n_segments assertion. (Bug #16362046)

* InnoDB: When the InnoDB shutdown mode (innodb_fast_shutdown)
is set to 2 and the master thread enters the flush loop, the
thread would not be able to exit under some circumstances.
This could lead to a shutdown hang. (Bug #16411457)

* InnoDB: Creating a foreign key constraint using the ALTER
TABLE INPLACE algorithm requires foreign_key_checks to be set
to 0 (SET foreign_key_checks = 0;). As a result, an
appropriate duplicate ID check would not be performed. (Bug

* InnoDB: This fix removes dated and incomplete code that is
protected by the UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE macro. (Bug #16296837)

* InnoDB: RENAME TABLE would result in a hang due to a MySQL
mutex acquisition deadlock. (Bug #16305265)

* InnoDB: DROP DATABASE failed if the database contained an
InnoDB table that had a data file in an external data
directory. The external data file had an "InnoDB Symbolic
Link" file type (.isl) that was not recognized by MySQL. This
fix adds .isl as a known InnoDB file type. (Bug #16338667)

* InnoDB: When tables are linked by foreign key constraints,
loading one table would open other linked tables recursively.
When numerous tables are linked by foreign key constraints,
this would sometimes lead to a thread stack overflow causing
the server to exit. Tables linked by foreign key constraints
are now loaded iteratively. Cascade operations, which were
also performed in a recursive manner, are now performed
iteratively using an explicit stack. (Bug #16244691, Bug

* InnoDB: Under testing, a FLUSH TABLE operation resulted in a
timeout due to a missing acknowledgement that the purge thread
had stopped. (Bug #16277387)

* InnoDB: For a compressed table, the "page reorganize" function
would ignore the innodb_log_compressed_pages option and always
log the entire compressed page, which increased the size of
the redo log. The "page reorganize" function now adheres to
the innodb_log_compressed_pages option and does not log
compressed page images to the redo log when
innodb_log_compressed_pages is set to "OFF". (Bug #16267120)

* InnoDB: After disabling foreign key checks with SET
foreign_key_checks=0 and performing a DROP INDEX, the table
was no longer accessible after restarting the server. This fix
allows the table with missing foreign key indexes to be
accessed when SET foreign_key_checks=0. When the table is
accessible, the user must recreate the missing indexes to
fulfill the foreign key constraints. (Bug #16208542, Bug

* InnoDB: When a transaction is in READ COMMITTED isolation
level, gap locks are still taken in the secondary index when a
row is inserted. This occurs when the secondary index is
scanned for duplicates. The function
row_ins_scan_sec_index_for_duplicate() always calls the
function row_ins_set_shared_rec_lock() with LOCK_ORDINARY
irrespective of the transaction isolation level. This fix
modifies the row_ins_scan_sec_index_for_duplicate() function
to call row_ins_set_shared_rec_lock() with LOCK_ORDINARY or
LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP, based on the transaction isolation level.
(Bug #16133801, Bug #68021)

* InnoDB: Starting mysqld with --innodb_log_buffer_size=50GB
failed to allocate memory and returned NULL. For non-debug
builds there was no check in place and a segmentation fault
occurred. This fix adds a log message stating that memory
failed to be allocated, and adds an assertion. (Bug #16069598,
Bug #68025)

* InnoDB: When UNIV_DEBUG is enabled in debug builds,
buf_validate() is often called which sometimes results in
false alarms in tests on semaphore wait timeout. This fix
increases counter values to reduce false alarms. (Bug

* InnoDB: While processing read-write workloads, InnoDB would
scan more pages than are required for flushing, unnecessarily
consuming CPU resource. (Bug #16037180)

* InnoDB: The explain_filename function, which provides
information about a partition by parsing the file name, would
return an error when attempting to parse a file name with no
partition information. (Bug #16051728)

* InnoDB: Stopping the server, removing a database table (d1.t1)
.frm file from the data directory, restarting the server, and
dropping the database (d1), would cause an assertion. (Bug

* InnoDB: While printing a UTF-8 table name, InnoDB would
truncate the table name, resulting in an incomplete buffer and
subsequent Valgrind error. This bug fix also addresses an
incorrect debugging error message. (Bug #16066351)

* InnoDB: TRUNCATE TABLE would fail to handle the return value
from btr_create when btr_create is invoked by TRUNCATE TABLE
for creation of a new index. (Bug #16026889)

* InnoDB: Persistent stats would be disabled unnecessarily when
running in read-only mode. When running in read-only mode,
fetching stats from disk does not involve any modification of
on-disk data except for when ANALYZE TABLE is run. This fix
enables persistent stats for read-only mode. (Bug #16083211)

* InnoDB: An overflow would occur for innodb_row_lock_time_max
and innodb_row_lock_current_waits. This fix modifies code
logic in storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.c. (Bug #16005310)

* InnoDB: Attempting to create a table while in innodb_read_only
mode would result in the following error: ERROR 1015 (HY000):
Can't lock file (errno: 165 - Table is read only). (Bug

* InnoDB: An active FLUSH TABLE FOR EXPORT thread would cause a
hang during shutdown. The fix ensures that
trx_is_interrupted() is checked during ibuf_merge. (Bug

* InnoDB: innochecksum would return an error when run on
compressed tables. (Bug #14612872, Bug #66779)

* InnoDB: A multi-row INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE insert
failure, caused by a duplicate key error, would result in
duplicate auto-increment values. (Bug #14483484, Bug #66301)

* InnoDB: A mismatch between .ibd files and the InnoDB data
dictionary could occur if TRUNCATE TABLE is interrupted by a
crash. The mismatch would be encountered after recovery. To
avoid this problem, truncate table information is written to a
truncate log file that resides temporarily in the log
directory. The truncate log file has the following naming
convention: ib_space_id_trunc.log. If the truncate TRUNCATE
operation is successful, the truncate log file is removed. If
the TRUNCATE operation is interrupted by a crash, information
is read from the truncate log file during recovery, the log
records are applied, and the truncate log file is removed.
(Bug #14174004, Bug #13997329, Bug #17227149, Bug #17238361)

* InnoDB: The documentation incorrectly stated that START
snapshot only if the current isolation level is REPEATABLE
SNAPSHOT only works with REPEATABLE READ. All other isolation
levels are ignored. The documentation has been revised and a
warning is now generated whenever the WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT
clause is ignored. (Bug #14017206, Bug #65146)

* InnoDB: The srv_master_thread background thread, which
monitors server activity and performs activities such as page
flushing when the server is inactive or in a shutdown state,
runs on a one second delay loop. srv_master_thread would fail
to check if the server is in a shutdown state before sleeping.
(Bug #13417564, Bug #63276)

* InnoDB: In the error log, a full-text search index would be
reported missing from the data dictionary during a TRUNCATE
TABLE operation. After restarting mysqld, the following InnoDB
error would be reported: "InnoDB: Error: trying to load index
idx13 for table test/g1 but the index tree has been freed.."
(Bug #12429565)

* InnoDB: Compiling InnoDB on Windows Vista 64-bit with VS2005
would result in compilation errors. (Bug #11752731, Bug

* InnoDB: When the value provided for innodb_buffer_pool_size on
32-bit systems is too large, an error message would
incorrectly reference the internal variable,
innobase_buffer_pool_size, instead of innodb_buffer_pool_size.
(Bug #11759578, Bug #51901)

* InnoDB: In many cases InnoDB calls exit(1) when it encounters
a fatal error. An exit(1) call does not produce a crash dump
or provide information about the process state. Additionally,
on Windows, an exit(1) call does not report a crashed process
in the Event Viewer. This fix replaces exit(1) calls with
ut_error calls in a number of places. (Bug #56400, Bug

* InnoDB: Creating a table with a comment or default textual
value containing an apostrophe that is escaped with a
backslash would sometimes cause the InnoDB storage engine to
omit foreign key definitions. (Bug #61656, Bug #12762377)

* InnoDB: Setting foreign_key_checks=0 and running ALTER TABLE
to change the character set of foreign key columns for a
database with multiple tables with foreign key constraints
would leave the database in an inconsistent state. Subsequent
ALTER TABLE operations (using the COPY algorithm) with
foreign_key_checks=1 would fail due to the detected
inconsistency. Reversion of the partially executed ALTER TABLE
operation would also fail, resulting in the loss of the table
being altered. When running the same ALTER TABLE operation
with a RENAME clause, the inconsistency would not be detected
but if the ALTER TABLE operation failed for some other reason,
reversion of the partially executed ALTER TABLE would fail
with the same result.
The bug fix temporarily disables foreign_key_checks while the
previous table definition is restored. (Bug #65701, Bug

* InnoDB: Successive deletes in descending key order would lead
to under-filled InnoDB index pages. When an InnoDB index page
is under-filled, it is merged with the left or right sibling
node. The check performed to determine if a sibling node is
available for merging was not functioning correctly. (Bug
#68501, Bug #16417635)

* InnoDB: The pthread_mutex, commit_threads_m, which was
initialized but never used, has been removed from the code
base. (Bug #60225, Bug #11829813)

* InnoDB: When running an InnoDB full-text search in boolean
mode, prefixing an asterisk (*) to a search string ('*string')
would result in an error whereas for MyISAM, a prefixed
asterisk would be ignored. To ensure compatibility between
InnoDB and MyISAM, InnoDB now handles a prefixed asterisk in
the same way as MyISAM. (Bug #68948, Bug #16660607)

* InnoDB: The row_check_index_for_mysql method, which checks for
NULL fields during an index scan or CHECK TABLE operation,
would iterate unnecessarily. Thanks to Po-Chun Chang for the
patch to correct this issue. (Bug #69377, Bug #16896647)

* Partitioning: When upgrading to MySQL 5.5.31 or higher, a
message is written into the output of mysql_upgrade when
encountering a partitioned table for which the ALGORITHM
option is required to maintain binary compatibility with the
original; the message includes the ALTER TABLE statement
required to make the change. For such a table having a
sufficiently large number of partitions, the message was
truncated with an error before the complete ALTER TABLE
statement could be written. (Bug #16589511)

* Partitioning: When a range specified in the WHERE condition of
a query against a table partitioned by RANGE entirely within
that of one of the partitions, the next partition was also
checked for rows although it should have been pruned away.
Suppose we have a range-partitioned table t created using the
following SQL statement:
PRIMARY KEY (dt,id),
UNIQUE KEY (id,dt)
An example of a query that exhibited this issue when run
against t is shown here:
WHERE dt >= '2013-02-01' AND dt < '2013-02-15';
In this case, partition pmax was checked, even though the
range given in the WHERE clause lay entirely within partition
p3. (Bug #16447483)

* Partitioning: When dropping a partitioned table, the table's
.par file was deleted first, before the table definition or
data. This meant that, if the server failed during the drop
operation, the table could be left in an inconsistent state in
which it could neither be accessed nor dropped.
The fix for this problem makes the following changes:

+ Now, when dropping a partitioned table, the table's .par
file is not removed until all table data has been

+ When executing DROP TABLE of a partitioned table, in the
event that its .par file is determined to be missing, the
table's .frm file is now immediately deleted, in effect
forcing the drop to complete.
(Bug #13548704, Bug #63884)

* Replication: The data size for a table map event created
during execution was calculated, but not when the event was
created from a network packet. This could later cause problems
when the data fields of such events were treated as if they
had a length equal to 0 when trying to write the events to a
cache, or to the binary log.
To avoid future problems of this nature, the table map's data
size is now calculated in both cases. (Bug #17164074)

* Replication: When the --relay-log-info-file option was used
together with --slave-parallel-workers set to a value greater
than 1, mysqld failed to start. (Bug #17160671)

* Replication: The mysqlbinlog option --rewrite-db caused USE
statements to be ignored, even for databases that were not
referenced by the option. (Bug #16914535)

* Replication: The condition leading to the issue fixed in Bug
#16579083 continued to raise an error even though the
condition itself no longer cause the issue to occur. (Bug
#16931177, Bug #69369)
References: See also Bug #16271657, Bug #16491597, Bug #68251,
Bug #68569.

* Replication: When rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout was set to an
extremely large value, semi-synchronous replication became
very slow, especially when many sessions were working in
parallel. It was discovered that the code to calculate this
timeout was inside the wait loop itself, with the result that
an increase in the value of rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout
caused repeated iterations. This fix improves the method used
to calculate wakeup times, and moves it outside of the wait
loop, so that it is executed one time only. (Bug #16878043,
Bug #69341)

* Replication: It was possible to cause a deadlock after issuing
connection to the slave, then issuing SHOW SLAVE STATUS using
the original connection.
The fix for this includes the addition of the
rpl_stop_slave_timeout system variable, to control the time in
seconds to wait for slave to stop after issuing STOP SLAVE
before returning a warning. (Bug #16856735)

* Replication: Some expressions employing variables were not
handled correctly by LOAD DATA. (Bug #16753869)

* Replication: In some circumstances, the message in the
Last_Error column from the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS
referred to GTID_NEXT_LIST although this variable is not
currently implemented (the name is reserved for possible
future use). Now in such cases the error message no longer
refers to this variable. (Bug #16742886, Bug #69096)
References: See also Bug #16715809, Bug #69045.

* Replication: Point-in-time recovery could fail when trying to
restore a single database from a binary log in row-based
format using mysqlbinlog with the --database option. (Bug

* Replication: mysqlbinlog --rewrite-db failed when the name of
the destination database contained any underscore (_)
characters. (Bug #16737279)

* Replication: Issuing a FLUSH TABLES statement on a
GTID-enabled master caused replication to fail. It was found
that this misbehavior was introduced by the fix for Bug
#16062608, which disallowed statements that perform an
implicit commit but whose changes are not logged when
gtid_next is set to any value other than AUTOMATIC. The
changes made in that fix have been reverted, and such
statements are (again) allowed without regard to the value of
this variable. (Bug #16715809, Bug #69045)

* Replication: On Windows platforms, issuing SHOW SLAVE STATUS
while the slave I/O thread was being terminated due to an
error caused the slave to fail. (Bug #16662771)

* Replication: A crash-on-commit error caused InnoDB to lose the
previous transaction following execution of a RESET MASTER
statement. This occurred because the prepare phase caused a
flush to disk, while the commit phase did not perform a
corresponding flush within InnoDB.
To fix this problem, RESET MASTER now causes storage engine
logs to be flushed on commit. (Bug #16666456, Bug #68932)

* Replication: When used with the options --dump-slave
--include-master-host-port, mysqldump printed the port number
within quotation marks, as if it were a string value rather
than an integer. (Bug #16615117)

* Replication: When processing an Update_rows_log_event or
Delete_rows_log_event from the binary log, the before image is
hashed and stored in a hash table. Following this, the
original table is scanned for the desired records; subsequent
processing hashes each record fetched from the original table
and performs a lookup for it in the hash table. However,
columns read from the image that had originally been set to
NULL could instead contain random or "garbage" data, causing
the lookup (and thus replication) to fail with an error such
as Could not execute Update_rows event on table.... (Bug
References: See also Bug #11766865. This bug was introduced by
Bug #16566658.

* Replication: The error displayed by SHOW SLAVE STATUS when a
worker thread fails to apply an event contained no event
coordinate information. The GTID for the event's group was
also not shown. Now in such cases, the text shown for
Last_SQL_Error is prefixed with the (physical) master binary
log coordinates, as well as the value of gtid_next when this
has been set. (Bug #16594095)

* Replication: Due to time resolution issues on some systems,
the time to be taken by the dump thread for a reply from the
slave could be calculated to be less than zero, leading to
Semi-sync master wait for reply fail to get wait time errors.
Since this condition does not have a negative impact on
replication, errors caused by these conditions have been
reduced to warnings. (Bug #16579028)

* Replication: Linker errors occurred if the header file
log_event.h was included in an application containing multiple
source files, because the file rpl_tblmap.cc was included in
log_event.h. This fix moves the inclusion of rpl_tblmap.cc
into the source files that use log_event.h. (Bug #16607258)

* Replication: When one or more GTID log events but no previous
GTIDs log events were found in the binary log, the resulting
error was mishandled and led to a failure of the server. (This
is an extremely rare condition that should never occur under
normal circumstances, and likely indicates that the binary log
file has somehow been corrupted.) Now in such cases, an
appropriate error is issued, and is handled correctly. (Bug
#16502579, Bug #68638)

* Replication: Running the server with --log-slave-updates
together with --replicate-wild-ignore-table or
--replicate-ignore-table in some cases caused updates to user
variables not to be logged. (Bug #16541422)

* Replication: When using mysqlbinlog and the mysql client to
roll forward two or more binary logs on a server having GTIDs
enabled, the gtid_next variable was not properly reset when
switching from the first to the second binary log, causing
processing to halt with an error at that point. (Bug

* Replication: The mysqlbinlog options --include-gtids,
--exclude-gtids, and --skip-gtids did not work correctly when
trying to process multiple files. (Bug #16517775)

* Replication: The warning issued when specifying MASTER_USER or
MASTER_PASSWORD with CHANGE MASTER TO was unclear for a number
of reasons, and has been changed to read, Storing MySQL user
name or password information in the master info repository is
not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider
using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START
SLAVE; see 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more
information. (Bug #16460123, Bug #16461303, Bug #68602, Bug

* Replication: When the size of an execution event exceeded the
maximum set for the buffer (slave_pending_jobs_size_max),
row-based replication could hang with Waiting for slave
workers to free pending events. (Bug #16439245, Bug #68462)

* Replication: Extra binary log rotations were performed due to
concurrent attempts at rotation when the binary log became
full, which were allowed to succeed. This could lead to the
unnecessary creation of many small binary log files. (Bug
#16443676, Bug #68575)

* Replication: Attempting to execute START SLAVE after importing
new slave_master_info and slave_relay_log_info tables failed
with an empty error message. Now an appropriate error and
message are issued in such cases. (Bug #16475866, Bug #68605)

* Replication: Restarting the server after the
slave_relay_log_info table had been emptied caused mysqld to
fail while trying to return an error. (Bug #16460978, Bug

* Replication: Following disconnection from the master, the
slave could under certain conditions report erroneously on
reconnection that it had received a packet that was larger
than slave_max_allowed_packet, causing replication to fail.
(Bug #16438800, Bug #68490)

* Replication: An SQL thread error during MTS slave recovery
caused the slave to fail. (Bug #16407467, Bug #68506)

* Replication: When using the options --read-from-remote-server
--stop-never --base64-output=decode-rows --verbose,
mysqlbinlog failed to reset the counter used to store the
current position within the file when the binary log on the
server was rotated. (Bug #16316123, Bug #68347)

* Replication: When using mysqldump to back up a database
created with MySQL 5.6.4 or an earlier version, setting
--set-gtid-purged=AUTO caused the backup to fail, because
pre-5.6.5 versions of MySQL did not support GTIDs, and it
could not be determined if GTIDs were enabled for the
database. This fix makes sure mysqldump does not attempt to
output a SET @@global.gtid_purged statement when backing up
any pre-5.6.5 databases. (Bug #16303363, Bug #68314)

* Replication: After a transaction was skipped due to its GTID
already having been logged, all remaining executed
transactions were incorrectly skipped until gtid_next was
pointed to a different GTID.
To avoid this incorrect behavior, all transactions---even
those that have been skipped---are marked as undefined when
they are commited or rolled back, so that an error is thrown
whenever a second transaction is executed following the same
SET @@session.gtid_next statement. (Bug #16223835)

* Replication: Deadlocks could sometimes occur on group commits
with a high number of concurrent updates, as well as when one
client held a lock from a commit while another client imposed
a lock while rotating the binary log. (Bug #16271657, Bug
#16491597, Bug #68251, Bug #68569)

* Replication: Modifying large amounts of data within a
transaction can cause the creation of temporary files. Such
files are created when the size of the data modified exceeds
the size of the binary log cache (max_binlog_cache_size).
Previously, such files persisted until the client connection
was closed, which could allow them to grow until they
exhausted all available disk space in tmpdir. To prevent this
from occurring, the size of a temporary file created in this
way in a given transaction is now reset to 0 when the
transaction is committed or rolled back. (Bug #15909788, Bug

* Replication: When semisynchronous replication was enabled, the
automatic dropping on the master of an event created using ON
COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE caused the master to fail. (Bug
#15948818, Bug #67276)

* Replication: When the master had more than one table with an
auto-increment column, and the slave ignored at least one of
these tables due to --replicate-ignore-table rules, but at
least one them was replicated, even so---the replicated table
or tables having at least one trigger updating one or more
tables existing only on the slave---updates to any of the
auto-increment tables on the master caused replication to
fail. (Bug #15850951, Bug #67504)

* Replication: Setting a SET column to NULL inside a stored
procedure caused replication to fail. (Bug #14593883, Bug

* Replication: The binary log contents got corrupted sometimes,
because the function MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_cache always thought
it had reached the end-of-cache when the function my_b_fill()
reported a '0,' while that could also mean an error had
occurred. This fix makes sure that whenever my_b_fill()
returns a '0,' an error check is performed on info->error.
(Bug #14324766, Bug #60173)

* Replication: The internal function
MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_binlog() contained an unneeded variable,
which has been removed. (Bug #14134590, Bug #60188)

* Replication: PURGE BINARY LOGS by design does not remove
binary log files that are in use or active, but did not
provide any notice when this occurred. Now, when log files are
not removed under such conditions, a warning is issued; this
warning includes information about the file or files were not
removed when the statement was issued. (Bug #13727933, Bug

* Replication: When replicating to a BLACKHOLE table using the
binary logging format, updates and deletes cannot be applied
and so are skipped. Now a warning is generated for this
whenever it occurs.
binlog_format=STATEMENT is recommended when replicating to
tables that use the BLACKHOLE storage engine.
(Bug #13004581)

* Replication: Temporary files created by LOAD DATA INFILE were
not removed if the statement failed. (Bug #11763934, Bug

* Replication: After the client thread on a slave performed a
FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK and was followed by some updates
on the master, the slave hung when executing SHOW SLAVE
STATUS. (Bug #68460, Bug #16387720)

* Microsoft Windows: On Microsoft Windows, passing in
--local-service to mysqld.exe when also passing in a service
name could cause a crash at startup. (Bug #16999777, Bug

* The contents of SQL condition items such as TABLE_NAME,
CONSTRAINT_NAME, an so forth were lost if resignaled by a
stored routine condition handler. (Bug #17280703)

* SELECT * from performance_schema.events_statements_current
could raise an assertion due to a race condition under load.
(Bug #17164720)

* AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() failed to work correctly when
MySQL was built with an AES_KEY_LENGTH value of 192 or 256.
(Bug #17170207)

* InnoDB full-text searches failed in databases whose names
began with a digit. (Bug #17161372)

* A successful connection failed to reset the per-IP address
counter used to count successive connection failures. This
could possibly cause a host to be blocked, when the
max_connect_errors limit was reached. (Bug #17156507)

* Under load, truncating the accounts Performance Schema table
could cause a server exit. (Bug #17084615)

* With the thread pool plugin enabled and SSL in use, an error
in one connection might affect other connections, causing them
to experience a lost connection. (Bug #17087862)

* Indexed lookups on POINT columns was slower for InnoDB tables
in MySQL 5.7 compared to 5.6. (Bug #17057168)

* The Performance Schema was built for embedded server builds.
This no longer occurs. (Bug #17041705)

* my_pthread.h unconditionally included pfs_thread_provider.h, a
noninstalled header file, resulting in compilation failure
when compiling MySQL applications against the installed header
files. (Bug #17061480)

* For debug builds, improper use of SAFE_MUTEX within dbug.c
caused different code areas to have different ideas about size
and contents of a mutex. This could result in out-of-bounds
memory writes. (Bug #16945343)

* Initialization of keycache_* variables (see Multiple Key
ml)) during server startup could write to incorrect memory.
(Bug #16945503)

* Reads from message buffers for closed connections could occur.
(Bug #17003702)

* At server startup, it was possible to set the
validate_password_length system variable to a value smaller
than permitted by the values of other password-length
variables related to it. (Bug #16957721)

* The server could exit while using a cursor to fetch rows from
a UNION query. (Bug #16983143)

* The range optimizer incorrectly assumed that any geometry
function on a spatial index returned rows in ROWID order,
which could result in incorrect query results. (Bug #16960800)

* A race condition in the thread pool plugin could cause status
variables such as Aborted_connects not to be incremented and
permitting concurrent kills to happen for the same thread ID.
(Bug #16959022)

* mysql_secure_installation did not properly clean up the
mysql.proxies_privs table for removed accounts. (Bug

* The server did excessive locking on the LOCK_active_mi and
active_mi->rli->data_lock mutexes for any SHOW STATUS LIKE
'pattern' statement, even when the pattern did not match
status variables that use those mutexes
(Slave_heartbeat_period, Slave_last_heartbeat,
Slave_received_heartbeats, Slave_retried_transactions,
Slave_running). Now attempts to show those variables do not
lock those mutexes. This might result is slightly stale data,
but better performance. (Bug #16904035)

* Full-text phrase search in InnoDB tables could read incorrect
memory. (Bug #16885178)

* It was not possible to keep several major versions of MySQL in
the same yum repository. (Bug #16878042)

* The Performance Schema could spawn a thread using incorrect
instrumentation information. (Bug #16939689)

* The Batched Key Access method could return incorrect results
on big-endian machines if a table buffered in the BKA join
cache used a storage engine such as InnoDB or MyISAM with
little-endian storage format, and then the next table used a
storage engine such as NDB with native-endian storage format.
(Bug #16853897)

string contained a hardcoded database name ('mysql.%s'), which
is incorrect when the error referred to a table in a different
database. (Bug #16813605)

* Excessive memory consumption was observed for multiple
execution of a stored procedure under these circumstances: 1)
The stored procedure had an SQL statement that failed during
validation. 2) The stored procedure had an SQL statement that
required repreparation. (Bug #16857395)

* HAVE_REPLICATION now is set from CMake rather than in
my_global.h so that it is not dependent on my_global.h having
been included. (Bug #16768511)

* CMake now assumes the existence of standard C header files
such as stdlib.h and stdarg.h. (Bug #16748528)

* Some errors in MySQL 5.7 had different numbers than in MySQL
5.6. (Bug #16780120)

* Removing a server RPM package did not shut down the existing
server if it was running. (Bug #16798868)

* INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE could cause a server exit
if a column with no default value was set to DEFAULT. (Bug
References: This bug is a regression of Bug #14789787.

* An assertion could be raised when the optimizer considered
pushing down an index condition containing an updatable user
variable and did not contain fields from the index. (Bug

* The function fill_locks_row(), which is responsible for
providing data for the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_LOCKS table,
would try to look up the B-tree page in the buffer pool for
INFIMUM and SUPREMUM records, both of which have a predefined
heap_no. This generated unnecessary buffer pool contention and
caused information to be omitted when a page was not available
in the buffer pool. This fix removes the buffer pool lookup
(heap_no=1) from fill_locks_row(). (Bug #16684523)
     * The code base was modified to account for new warning checks
introduced by gcc 4.8. (Bug #16729109)

* Compiling failed with -DMY_ATOMIC_MODE_RWLOCKS=1 or on
platforms on which MySQL did not support lockless atomic
operations (such as ARM). (Bug #16736461)

* In a prepared statement or stored routine, if the HAVING
clause of a subquery referenced some column of the GROUP BY of
the parent query, the server could exit. (Bug #16739050)

* Password rewriting in the general query log now also applies
to prepared statements. (Bug #16732621)

* The deprecated thread_concurrency system variable has been
removed. (Bug #16661195)

* Overhead for setting PROCESSLIST_STATE values in the
Performance Schema THREADS table has been reduced. (Bug

* The read-only open_files_limit system variable did not show
maximum number of open files the mysqld process could have,
but instead the number that was requested after adjusting the
--open-files-limit command-line option. (Bug #16657588)

* Kill handling in the thread pool plugin was subject to timeout
problems and Valgrind warnings. (Bug #16633880)

* Within a stored procedure, repeated execution of a prepared
CREATE TABLE statement for a table with partitions could cause
a server exit. (Bug #16614004)

* Some problems compiling on Solaris in 64-bit mode with gcc and
g++ were corrected. (Bug #16555106)

* The Windows authentication plugin failed to free a context
buffer for each connection. (Bug #16591288)

* The DBUG_PRINT() macro unnecessarily evaluated arguments when
debugging was not enabled. (Bug #16556597)

* Some rows for a session could be missing sporadically from the
Performance Schema session_connect_attrs table while the
session was executing a workload. (Bug #16576980)

* The server could make the wrong decision about whether an
account password was expired. (Bug #16604641)

* Enabling the query cache could cause repeatable-read
transactions to return incorrect results. (Bug #16497925)

* When index condition pushdown was used on a descending range
scan and the first range interval did not contain any
qualifying records, the result of the range scan could be
empty even if other range intervals contained qualifying
records. (Bug #16483273)

* The server could attempt a filesort operation for a zero-size
sort length, causing it to exit. (Bug #16503160)

* SHOW WARNINGS and SHOW ERRORS did not properly reset the
warning count. (Bug #16522662)

* my_load_defaults() was modified to accommodate some problems
under compilation with gcc 4.7.2 that could cause a client
crash during option processing. (Bug #16497125)

* Opening a cursor on a SELECT within a stored procedure could
cause a segmentation fault. (Bug #16499751)
References: This bug is a regression of Bug #14740889.

* Geometry methods that worked with WKB data performed
insufficient input data validation, which could cause Valgrind
errors or a server exit. (Bug #16510712, Bug #12772601)

* Missing variable initialization led to incorrectly returning
an error from st_select_lex_unit::explain and led to a failed
assertion. (Bug #16484966)

* Clients could determined based on connection error message
content whether an account existed. (Bug #16513435)

* CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE can fail if the statement
specified unsupported options or something was missing.
Previously, such errors were returned as ER_ILLEGAL_HA. Now
they are returned as the new ER_MISSING_HA_CREATE_OPTION
error. (Bug #16498740)

* Failure to handle a full-text search wildcard properly could
cause the server to exit. (Bug #16446108)

* Some INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries that used ORDER BY did not use
a filesort optimization as they did in MySQL 5.5. (Bug

* Performance Schema parameter autosizing at startup did not
take into account later autosizing changes to other startup
parameters on which the Performance Schema parameters
depended. (Bug #16430532)

* The WKB reader for spatial operations could fail and cause a
server exit. (Bug #16451878)

* For queries using ref access on CHAR and VARCHAR data types,
the ref access condition could be evaluated again as part of
the query condition or pushed down as an index condition to
the storage engine. (Bug #16437630)

* A full-text search syntax error failed to print to standard
output. (Bug #16429688, Bug #16765397)

* Optimizer heuristics inappropriately preferred range access
over ref access in cases when the ref access referred to a
column of a table earlier in the join seqence. (Bug #16437940)

* The ER_OUTOFMEMORY error was used in some places without the
proper parameter being passed, resulting in incorrect
diagnostic output. (Bug #16449659)

* Unlike MyISAM, InnoDB does not support boolean full-text
searches on nonindexed columns, but this restriction was not
enforced, resulting in queries that returned incorrect
results. (Bug #16434374)

* If a table has been marked as containing only NULL values for
all columns if it is a NULL-complemented row of an outer join,
then rollup on the column which cannot be nullable results in
a server exit. (Bug #16436014)

* If the optimizer was using a loose index scan, the server
could exit while attempting to create a temporary table. (Bug

* Incorrect results or a server exit could be caused by a
reference to an aggregated expression inside a nested
subquery, where the aggregated expression was evaluated in a
query block more than two levels outer to the reference. (Bug

* In debug builds, failure in the range optimizer for an
undetected and cause the filesort code to raise an assertion.
In release builds, this problem manifested as clients
receiving an ER_FILSORT_ABORT rather than the correct error
code. (Bug #16366881)

* If a lock timeout resulted from an UPDATE with a nested SELECT
being unable to access rows being accessed by another thread,
the error could go unchecked and cause an assertion to be
raised later. (Bug #16367039)

* In debug builds, failure in the range optimizer for an
undetected and cause an assertion to be raised when a response
was sent to the client. In release builds, this problem
manifested as clients receiving an OK for a statement that had
failed. (Bug #16366994, Bug #16247110)

* Manually-created accounts (using INSERT) with a malformed
password effectively had no password. (Bug #16414396)

* Several scripts in the sql-bench directory that were supposed
to be executable did not have the executable access bit set.
(Bug #16395606)

* For debug builds, DBUG_EXPLAIN resulted in a buffer overflow
when the debug system variable value was more than 255
characters. (Bug #16402143)

* For debug builds, with an XA transaction in IDLE or PREPARED
status, execution of a query with the query cache enabled
could cause a server exit. (Bug #16388996)

* A race condition in vio_shutdown() could cause a server exit.
(Bug #16354789)

* An assertion could be raised when creating a index on a prefix
of a TINYBLOB column in an InnoDB column. (Bug #16368875)

* For debug builds, set_field_to_null() could raise an assertion
for attempts to insert NULL into a NOT NULL column. (Bug

* A server exit could occur for queries of the form SELECT
(SELECT 1 FROM t1) IN (SELECT a FROM t1) when attempting to
evaluate the constant left-hand argument to the IN subquery
predicate. (Bug #16369522)

* An assertion could be raised if, in greedy search mode, the
optimizer identified join orders but was unable to choose one.
(Bug #16361170)

* Debugging flags used to set the debug system variable were
ignored if they were a prefix of keywords already in the
debugging list. (Bug #16415978)

* If the primary key for the mysql.proc system table was removed
(an unsupported and not-recommended operation), the server
exited for subsequent stored procedure invocation. Similar
problems could occur for other system tables. Now an error
occurs instead. (Bug #16373054)

* Oracle RPM packages were unusable by yum due to issues with
the obsoletes line in the .spec file causing yum to interpret
the package as obsoleting itself. (Bug #16298542)

* Re-execution of a stored procedure could cause a server exit
in Item_field::fix_outer_field. (Bug #16317443)

* A GROUP_CONCAT() invocation containing subquery having an
outer reference caused the server to exit. (Bug #16347343)

* For debug builds, GROUP_CONCAT(... ORDER BY) within an ORDER
BY clause could cause a server exit. (Bug #16347426)

* The validate_password plugin did not always enforce
appropriate constraints against assigning empty passwords.
(Bug #16346443)

* For debug builds, the server could exit for queries involving
a nested subquery, a subquery tranformed into a semi-join and
using a view. (Bug #16317076)

* No warning was generated if a duplicate index existed after
dropping a column associated with a multiple-column index.
(Bug #16315351)

* SELECT DISTINCT with WITH ROLLUP could result in a Duplicate
entry 'NULL' for key '<auto_key>' error. (Bug #16314835)

* The server could exit in do_copy_not_null() due to an improper
NULL-value check. (Bug #16316564)

* Transforming some subqueries that select temporal or BIGINT
types or to a semijoin caused a server exit on the second
execution of prepared statements or stored programs. (Bug

* The range optimizer could set up incorrect ranges for queries
that used XOR operations. (Bug #16272562)

* mysql_secure_installation could not connect to the server if
the account used had an expired password. It invoked mysql
noninteractively, resulting in that program failing to
connect. Now mysql supports a --connect-expired-password
option that indicates to the server that it can handle sandbox
mode for expired-password accounts even if invoked
noninteractively, and mysql_secure_installation invokes mysql
with this option. (Bug #16248315)

* If loose index scan was used on a query that used MIN(), a
segmentation fault could occur. (Bug #16222245)

* The usual failed-login attempt accounting was not applied to
failed COM_CHANGE_USER commands. (Bug #16241992)

* For debug builds, an assertion could be raised if a failed
LOAD DATA INFILE statement will followed by an INSERT for the
same table within the same session. (Bug #16240526)

* For debug builds, an assertion was incorrectly raised for
queries executed using eq_ref access and filesort. (Bug

* A user variable referenced during execution of a prepared
statement is set to memory that is freed at the end of
execution. A second execution of the statement could result in
Valgrind warnings when accessing this memory. (Bug #16119355)

* Misoptimization of left expressions in prepared statements
could cause a server exit. (Bug #16095534)

* A prepared statement that used GROUP_CONCAT() and an ORDER BY
clause that named multiple columns could cause the server to
exit. (Bug #16075310)

* The server could exit the second time a stored routine was
invoked that performed an UPDATE or DELETE using an invalid
column in the join clause. (Bug #16078466)

* If my_write() encountered a disk-full condition, it could
return an incorrect error value. (Bug #16078792)

* Creating a FEDERATED table without specifying a connection
string caused a server exit. (Bug #16048546)

* ORDER BY MATCH ... AGAINST could cause a server exit. (Bug

* Certain queries containing ORDER BY or SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS
could cause a server exit for JSON-format EXPLAIN statements.
(Bug #16077396, Bug #16078113)

* Client programs from MySQL 5.6.4 and up could confuse older
servers during the connection process by using newer protocol
features not understood by older servers. (Bug #15965409)

* When a partition is missing, code in ha_innodb.cc would retry
10 times and sleep for a microsecond each time while holding
LOCK_open. The retry logic for partitioned tables was
introduced as a fix for Bug#33349 but did not include a test
case to validate it. This fix removes the retry logic for
partitioned tables. If the problem reported in Bug#33349
reappears, a different solution will be explored. (Bug

* The mysql.server script exited with an error if the status
command was executed with multiple servers running. (Bug

* Use of the VALUES() function in the VALUES() clause of an
INSERT statement could result in Valgrind warnings or an
unstable server, possibly leading to a server exit. (Bug

* In some cases, REVOKE could fail to revoke the GRANT OPTION
privilege. (Bug #14799187)

* The Debug Sync facility could lose a signal, leading to a
spurious ER_DEBUG_SYNC_TIMEOUT error. (Bug #14765080)

* The mysql client allocated but did not free a string after
reading each line in interactive mode, resulting in a memory
leak. (Bug #14685362)

* The optimizer trace could print ranges for key parts that were
not usable for range access. (Bug #14615536)

* Killing a connection while it was in the process of
disconnecting could lead to an assertion being raised,
Valgrind warnings, and general unstability. (Bug #14560522)

that requested table_name and index_name values, query results
would include index pages without table_name or index_name
values. (Bug #14529666)

* Several COM_xxx commands in the client-server protocol did not
have length checks for incoming network packets, which could
result in various problems for malformed input. (Bug

* Passwords in statements were not obfuscated before being
written to the audit log. (Bug #14536456)

* If used to process a prepared CALL statement for a stored
procedure with OUT or INOUT parameters,
mysql_stmt_store_result() did not properly set the flags
required to retrieve all the result sets. (Bug #14492429)

* INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a view could cause a
server exit. (Bug #14261010)

* With the thread pool plugin in use, normal connection
termination caused the Aborted_clients status variable to be
incremented. (Bug #14081240)

* A build failure occurred if HAVE_CRYPT was 0. (Bug #14036425)

* Grouping by an outer BLOB column in a subquery caused a server
exit. (Bug #13966809, Bug #14700180)

* On Windows, command-line options of the form
--opt_name="opt_value" worked but --opt_name='opt_value' did
On all platforms, for Performance Schema options of the form
--performance_schema_instrument="instrument=value", invalid
instrument names now are rejected. (Bug #13955232)

* The server could exit after failing to handle an out-of-memory
condition in open_normal_and_derived_tables(). (Bug #13553905)

* The server could exit due to improper handling of the error
from an invalid comparison. (Bug #13009341)

* MySQL Installer, if run in custom install or change mode,
offered installation options that had no effect. (Bug

* The thread pool plugin produced an error message containing an
incorrect maximum thread_pool_prio_kickup_timer value. (Bug

* Metadata returned for a prepared SELECT statement that had
outer joins could indicate that columns containing NULL values
were NOT NULL. (Bug #12818811)

* For debug builds, the server could exit as a result of a
series of statements that used a user variable such that its
character set/collation changed from statement to statement.
(Bug #12368577)

* Incorrect results could be returned from queries that used
several aggr_func(DISTINCT) functions (where aggr_func() is an
aggregate function such as COUNT()) when these referred to
different columns of the same composite key. (Bug #12328597)

* The CMake check for unsigned time_t failed on all platforms.
(Bug #11766815)

* An identifier containing special characters could become too
long after conversion of such characters to encoded format,
resulting in SQL errors or failure to find files. (Bug

* mysql_convert_table_format ignored --engine or -e as a synonym
for the --type option. (Bug #11756950)

* mysqladmin debug causes the server to write debug information
to the error log. On systems that supported mallinfo(), the
memory-status part of this output was incorrect in 64-bit
environments when mysqld consumed more than 4GB memory.
Now the server uses malloc_info() to obtain memory-status
information. malloc_info() does not report the memory that the
glibc malloc() implementation internally allocates using
mmap(). However, it does provide the memory usage information
in all the memory arenas.
This bug fix also involves a change of output format. The
server now writes memory information in XML format rather than
as plain text. Example:
Memory status:
<malloc version="1">
<heap nr="0">
<size from="33" to="33" total="1056" count="32"/>
<size from="65" to="65" total="65" count="1"/>
<size from="113" to="113" total="226" count="2"/>
<size from="129" to="129" total="2451" count="19"/>
<size from="145" to="145" total="290" count="2"/>
<size from="161" to="161" total="1288" count="8"/>
<size from="209" to="209" total="418" count="2"/>
<total type="fast" count="0" size="0"/>
<total type="rest" count="66" size="5794"/>
<system type="current" size="10833920"/>
<system type="max" size="10833920"/>
<aspace type="total" size="10833920"/>
<aspace type="mprotect" size="10833920"/>
<total type="fast" count="0" size="0"/>
<total type="rest" count="66" size="5794"/>
<system type="current" size="10833920"/>
<system type="max" size="10833920"/>
<aspace type="total" size="10833920"/>
<aspace type="mprotect" size="10833920"/>
(Bug #11746658)

* When an ALTER TABLE operation was performed with an invalid
foreign key constraint, the error reported was
#64617, Bug #13840553)

* If an account had a nonzero MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS value, that
value was not always respected. (Bug #65104, Bug #14003080)

* On 64-bit Mac OS X systems, CMake used x86 rather than x86_64
when determining the machine type. (Bug #58462, Bug #11765489)

* For failure to create a new thread for the event scheduler,
event execution, or new connection, no message was written to
the error log. This could lead to the impression that the
event scheduler was running normally when it was not. (Bug
#67191, Bug #14749800, Bug #16865959)

* Compilation on Solaris using gcc produced incorrect builds for
32-bit systems. (Bug #68675)

* The mysql client incorrectly used latin1 for certain
comparisons even if started with a multibyte default character
set, resulting in a client crash. (Bug #68107, Bug #16182919)

* In option files, the server could misinterpret option settings
if the value was given after the option name with no = sign in
between. (Bug #67740, Bug #15930031)

* The url columns in the mysql datatbase help tables were too
short to hold some of the URLs in the help content. These
columns are now created as type TEXT to accommodate longer
URLs. (Bug #61520, Bug #12671635)

* mysqld --help and mysqld --verbose --help performed
unnecessary logging. (Bug #68578, Bug #16442113)

* Performance of prepared DML statements containing ? parameter
substitution markers was improved under row-based logging
format: Since the binary log in this case need not include the
statement text, and since the statement will not be forced to
statement-based logging as some DDL statements might be, there
is no need to substitute ? markers to produce a statement
suitable for logging. (Bug #67676, Bug #16038776)

* ELT(LEAST(...),..) could return a non-NULL value even if
LEAST() returned NULL. (Bug #67578, Bug #16171537)

* InnoDB does not support full-text parser plugins, but failed
to report an error if they were specified. Now an
ER_INNODB_NO_FT_USES_PARSER error is returned. (Bug #62004,
Bug #12843070)

* If Loose Index Scan was used to evaluate a query that compared
an integer column to an integer specified as a quoted string
(for example, col_name = '1'), the query could return
incorrect results. (Bug #68473, Bug #16394084)

* IF() function evaluations could produce different results when
executed in a prepared versus nonprepared statement. (Bug
#45370, Bug #11753852)

* If a function such as AES_DECRYPT() that requires SSL support
failed, the error could affect later calls to functions that
require SSL support. (Bug #68340, Bug #16315767)

* In a MySQL server newer than MySQL 5.5 using a nonupgraded
mysql.user table (for which mysql_upgrade had not been run),
statements to set passwords caused a server exit due to a
faulty check for the password_expired column. (Bug #68385, Bug

* It is now possible to suppress installation of the mysql-test
directory after compiling MySQL from source by invoking CMake
with the INSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR option explicitly set to empty:
Previously, attempts to do this resulted in an error. (Bug
#58615, Bug #11765629)

* When only counting events but not timing them, Performance
Schema would report MIN_TIMER_WAIT values as a large number
instead of 0. (Bug #68768, Bug #16552425)

* The Turbo Boyer-Moore algorithm used for LIKE pattern matches
failed to handle some patterns. The server now uses the
original Boyer-Moore algorithm. (Bug #59973, Bug #11766777)

* If mysqld crashed during a shutdown initiated by
/etc/init.d/mysql stop, mysqld_safe restartd mysqld when it
should not have. (Bug #34084, Bug #13864548)

* Using range access with an index prefix could produce
incorrect results. (Bug #68750, Bug #16540042)

* For debug builds, metadata locking for CREATE TABLE ... SELECT
could raise an assertion. (Bug #68695, Bug #16503173)

* Long table or column names could cause mysqlshow to exit. (Bug
#53956, Bug #11761458)

* A new CMake option, WITH_EDITLINE, is provided to indicate
whether to use the bundled or system libedit/editline library.
The permitted values are bundled (the default) and system.
WITH_EDITLINE replaces WITH_LIBEDIT, which has been removed.
(Bug #68558, Bug #16430208)

* When specified in an option file, the plugin-dir client option
was ignored. (Bug #68800, Bug #16680313)

* Overhead for the skip_trailing_space() function was reduced.
(Bug #68477, Bug #16395778)

* If an UPDATE containing a subquery caused a deadlock inside
InnoDB, the deadlock was not properly handled by the SQL
layer. The SQL layer then tried to unlock the row after InnoDB
rolled back the transaction, raising an assertion inside
InnoDB. (Bug #69127, Bug #16757869)

* Configuring MySQL with -DWITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS=none caused a
build failure. (Bug #58672, Bug #11765682)

* The !includedir directive in option files did not read .cnf or
.ini files that included a dot in the file name preceding the
extension. (Bug #51609, Bug #11759306)

* Indexes on derived tables that were used during the first
invocation of a stored procedure were not used in subsequent
invocations. (Bug #68350, Bug #16346367)

* Boolean plugin system variables did not behave well on
machines where char is unsigned; some code attempted to assign
a negative value to these. (Bug #59905, Bug #11864205)

* For DELETE and UPDATE statements, EXPLAIN displayed NULL in
the ref column for some cases where const is more appropriate.
(Bug #68299, Bug #16296268)

* The optimizer could choose a poor execution plan for queries
with ORDER BY ... LIMIT. (Bug #69013, Bug #16697792)

* FOUND_ROWS() could return an incorrect value if the preceding
query used filesort. (Bug #69119, Bug #16760474)
References: This bug is a regression of Bug #68458.

* In the absence of SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS in the preceding query,
FOUND_ROWS() should return the number of rows in the result
set, but this did not always happen if the query contained
ORDER BY. (Bug #69271, Bug #16827872)

* sql-common/client_plugin.c contained a nonportable use of a
va_list parameter. (Bug #62769, Bug #13252623)

* mysqldump assumed the existence of the general_log and
slow_log tables in the mysql database. It failed if invoked to
dump tables from an older server where these tables do not
exist. (Bug #65670, Bug #14236170)

* Configuring with cmake -DWITHOUT_SERVER to build clients
without the server failed for builds outside of the source
tree. (Bug #66000, Bug #14367046)

* Full-text search on InnoDB tables failed on searches for words
containing apostrophes. (Bug #69216, Bug #16801781)

* Full-text search on InnoDB tables failed on searches for
literal phrases combined with + or - operators. (Bug #68720,
Bug #16516193)

* Optimizations that used extended secondary keys (see Use of
Index Extensions
) worked only for InnoDB, even for storage engines with the
requisite underlying capabilities. (Bug #68469, Bug #16391678)

* Successful queries served from the query cache did not clear
warnings. (Bug #49634, Bug #11757567)

* With big_tables enabled, queries that used COUNT(DISTINCT) on
a simple join with a constant equality condition on a
non-duplicate key returned incorrect results. (Bug #52582, Bug

* If ALTER TABLE was used to set the default value for a
default when it was created, the new default was not shown by
SHOW CREATE TABLE, and incorrect values could be inserted into
the column. (Bug #45669, Bug #11754116)

* mysql_install_db incorrectly tried to create the
mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats tables
if InnoDB was not available. (Bug #68438, Bug #16369955)

* If one session had any metadata lock on a table, another
session attempting CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] for the same
table would hang. This occurred due to an attempt in the
second session to acquire an exclusive metadata lock on the
table before checking whether the table already existed. An
exclusive metadata lock is not compatible with any other
metadata locks, so the session hung for the lock timeout
period if another session had the table locked.
Now the server attempts to acquire a shared metadata lock on
the table first to check whether it exists, then upgrade to an
exclusive lock if it does not. If the table does exist, an
error occurs for CREATE TABLE and a warning for CREATE TABLE
IF NOT EXISTS. (Bug #63144, Bug #13418638)

* Attempts to build from a source RPM package could fail because
the build process attempted to refer to a pb2user that might
not exist. (Bug #64641, Bug #13865797, Bug #69339, Bug

* A typo in cmake/dtrace.cmake prevented DTrace support from
being enabled by -DENABLE_DTRACE-on. (Bug #60743, Bug

* When an internal buffer was too small for the workload, the
Performance Schema could spend a lot of time in an internal
spin loop attempting to allocate a memory buffer, and fail.
(Bug #69382, Bug #16945618)

* BIT(0) is not a valid data type specification but was silently
converted to BIT(1). Now an ER_INVALID_FIELD_SIZE error occurs
and the specification is rejected. (Bug #68419, Bug #16358989)

* Some LEFT JOIN queries with GROUP BY could return incorrect
results. (Bug #68897, Bug #16620047)
References: This bug is a regression of Bug #11760517.

* Some possible cases of memory use after being freed were
fixed. (Bug #68918, Bug #16725945)

* mysqldump wrote SET statements as SET OPTION, which failed
when reloaded because the deprecated OPTION keyword has been
removed from SET syntax. (Bug #67507, Bug #15844882)

* If the server could not find the errmsg.sys file at startup,
the resulting error message did not indicate which
configuration parameter to check. (Bug #67576, Bug #15880018)

* If query_cache_type was disabled at startup to prevent the
query cache from being enabled at runtime, disabling
query_cache_type at runtime generated a warning even though it
was already disabled. (Bug #69396, Bug #16906827)

* For queries with ORDER BY ... LIMIT, the optimizer could
choose a nonordering index for table access. (Bug #69410, Bug

* When selecting a union of an empty result set (created with
WHERE 1=0 or WHERE FALSE) with a derived table, incorrect
filtering was applied to the derived table. (Bug #69471, Bug
References: This bug is a regression of Bug #15848521.

* For better robustness against stack overflow, the server now
accounts for the size of the guard area when making thread
stack size requests. (Bug #35019, Bug #11748074)

* Two problems adding or subtracting keyword from the current
debug system variable setting were corrected:

+ A debug value of 'd' means "all debug macros enabled".
The following sequence left the value in an incorrect
mysql> SET debug = 'd';SELECT @@debug;
| @@debug |
| d |

mysql> SET debug = '+d,M1';SELECT @@debug;
| @@debug |
| d,M1 |
The first SET statement enables all debug macros. The
second SET should add the M1 macro to the current set,
which should result in no change because the current set
is already "all macros". Instead, the second SET reset
the current set to only the M1 macro, effectively
disabling all others. The server now correctly leaves
debug set to 'd'.

+ A debug value of '' means "no debug macros enabled". The
following sequence left the value in an incorrect state:
mysql> SET debug = 'd,M1';SELECT @@debug;
| @@debug |
| d,M1 |

mysql> SET debug = '-d,M1';SELECT @@debug;
| @@debug |
| d |
The first SET statement sets debug to the M1* macro. The
second SET should subtract the M1 macro from the current
set, leaving no debug macros enabled. Instead, the second
SET reset the current set to 'd' (all macros enabled).
The server now correctly sets debug to ''.
(Bug #58630, Bug #11765644)

* Some subquery transformations were not visible in EXPLAIN
output. (Bug #59852, Bug #11766685)

* Comparison of a DATETIME value and a string did not work
correctly for the utf8_unicode_ci collation. (Bug #68795, Bug

* The range optimizer used the wrong prerequisite for concluding
that a table is the inner table of an outer join. This led to
incorrect cost estimates and choice of the wrong index for
query processing. (Bug #37333, Bug #11748775)

* Some errors could be handled by condition handlers only if
they were raised by particular statements, such as INSERT, but
not if they were raised by other statements, like UPDATE. An
example would be the foreign-key error ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2
which could be treated differently, depending on which
statement raised it. (Bug #68831, Bug #16587369)

* The libmysql.dll library was missing several symbols: my_init,
mysql_client_find_plugin, mysql_client_register_plugin,
mysql_load_plugin, mysql_load_plugin_v, mysql_options4, and
mysql_plugin_options. (Bug #69204, Bug #16797982, Bug #62394)

* If the WITH_SSL CMake option was specified with an incorrect
path to the SSL installation or the path to an unsupported
(too old) SSL installation, the option was implicitly changed
to the bundled value and yaSSL was used instead. Now CMake
exits with an error so the user knows that the option value
must be changed. (Bug #69744, Bug #17162055)

* The DBUG_ENTER string for the
THD::increment_questions_counter() function incorrectly named
the THD::increment_updates_counter() function. (Bug #69989,
Bug #17297266)

* RPM packages did not provide lowercase tags for their
contents. For example, a server RPM indicated that it provided
MySQL-server, but not mysql-server. (Bug #69830, Bug

* mysql.h no longer defines __WIN__ on Windows, and the MySQL
sources have been changed to test for _WIN32 instead. (Bug
#20338, Bug #11745828)