

MySQL Connector/Net 5.0.5がリリースされました。


MySQL用の全てが管理された.NETドライバの新バージョンであるMySQL Connector/Net 5.0.5がリリースされました。






Functionality Changes or Enhancements

* Return parameters created with DeriveParameters now have the name
* Fixed problem with parameter name hashing where the hashes were not
  getting updated when parameters were removed from the collection.
* Fixed problem with calling stored functions when a return parameter
  was not given
* Fixed problem that prevented use of SchemaOnly or SingleRow command
  behaviors with sprocs or prepared statements
* Assembly now properly appears in the Visual Studio 2005 Add/Remove
  Reference dialog
* Added MySqlParameterCollection.AddWithValue and marked the Add(name,
  value) method as obsolete
* Added "Use Procedure Bodies" connection string option to allow calling
  procedures without using procedure metadata. (see release notes)
* Reverted behavior that required parameter names to start with the
  parameter marker.  We apologize for this back and forth but we
  mistakenly changed the behavior to not match what SqlClient supports.
  We now support using either syntax for adding parameters however we
  also respond exactly like SqlClient in that if you ask for the
  index of a parameter using a syntax different than you added the
  parameter, the result will be -1.

Bugs fixed:

  Bug #25443 ExecuteScalar() hangs when more than one bad result
  Bug #24802 Error Handling
  Bug #25614 After connection is closed, and opened again UTF-8
             characters are not read well
  Bug #25625 Crashes when calling with CommandType set to
  Bug #25458 Opening connection hangs
  Bug #25651 SELECT does not work properly when WHERE contains UTF-8
  Bug #25726 MySqlConnection throws NullReferenceException and
  Bug #25609 MySqlDataAdapter.FillSchema
  Bug #25928 Invalid Registry Entries
  Bug #25912 selecting negative time values gets wrong results
  Bug #25906 Typo makes GetSchema with DataTypes collection throw an
  Bug #25907 DataType Column of DataTypes collection does'nt contain the
             correct CLR Datatype
  Bug #25950 DataSourceInformation collection contains incorrect values
  Bug #26430 Will not install under Vista
  Bug #26152 Opening a connection is really slow
  Bug #24373 High CPU utilization when no idle connection
  Bug #24957 MySql.Data.Types.MySqlConversionException is not marked as
  Bug #25603 Critial ConnectionPool Error in Connector.Net 5.03
  Bug #26660 MySqlConnection.GetSchema fails with NullReferenceException
             for Foreign Keys
  Bug #25605 BINARY and VARBINARY is returned as a string
  Bug #25569 UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord does not work