

MySQL Connector/Net 5.0.2ベータ版がリリースされました。


MySQL Connector/Net 5.0.2ベータ版がリリースされました。MySQL Connector/Netは、MySQL用の全てが管理されたADO.Netプロバイダーです。このリリースは、MySQLのどのバージョンにも対応していますが、このリリースを他のいかなる製品のデータにも使用しないことを強くお勧めします。



  Bugs fixed
  Bug #23268 System.FormatException when invoking procedure with ENUM
input parameter 09
  Bug #23538 Exception thrown when GetSchemaTable is called and "fields"
is null.
  Bug #23245 Connector Net 5.01 Beta Installer produces Antivirus Error
  Bug #23758 Unable to connect to any server - IPv6 related
  Bug #22882 Registry key 'Global' access denied
  Bug #18186 Problem with implementation of PreparedStatement

  Other changes
  Increased speed of MySqlParameterCollection.IndexOf(string) orders of
magnitude   (parameter name lookups are now strict on use of parameter marker)
  Improved character set mappings
  Turned MySqlPoolManager into a static class and added a static ctor
    to avoid any race conditions related to initializing the hashtable.
  Added 'Ignore Prepare' connection string option for disabling prepared
    statements application-wide
  Added Installer class to provide custom install type procedures such
as modifying  machine.config
  A nicer exception is displayed if you have added a parameter without
the parameter marker.
  Load Data Local InFile is working again
  Installer now gives the user the choice of creating start menu items
and registering the provider in the GAC.

We have added a new connection string option named 'Ignore Prepare'.  It
is a boolean option and its default value is true.  This option, when true,
instructs the provider to ignore any calls to MySqlCommand.Prepare(). 
We decided to do this because we have discovered some inconsistencies with
server side prepared statements  which can lead to incorrect or damaging
results.  If you are sure you want to use server-side prepared statements,
then you can add 'ignore prepare3Dfalse' to your connection string and
it will behave as before.

Highlights of the 5.0.x Connector/Net releases:

* Support for ADO.Net 2.0 interfaces and subclasses

* Re-architected to improve speed and flexibility
The internals of the provider have been improved to allow column values
to be retrieved without boxing in many cases. Also, the internal changes
have enabled the future inclusion of embedded and client library support.

* Implemented Usage Advisor
The Usage Advisor first appeared in Connector/J. We have now
implemented that feature in Connector/Net. Enabling it causes the provider to
check both your queries and how you read the results and report to you if it
thinks you are using the provider in an inefficient manner. It
checks such things as using a query without an index, not reading all the columns or rows from a resultset, etc.

* Implemented asynchronous query methods
The MySqlCommand object now supports asynchronous queries. This is
implemented using the BeginExecuteNonQuery and EndExecuteNonQuery
BeginExecuteReader and EndExecuteReader are now included.

* Implemented stored procedure metadata caching
We now cache the metadata that is retrieved during stored procedure and
stored function execution. This cache data is used for subsequent
executions of that stored routine.

* Added PerfMon hooks
This release includes PerfMon hooks to monitor stored procedure cache
hits and misses. We are looking at adding additional hooks in the first
beta release.

* Removed use of SharpZipLib library
We have replaced use of the SharpZipLib library with the deflate support
available with .NET 2.0.

Support for embedded server and client library has been removed
For those of you that have seen my presentations on 5.0, we decided to
remove these features to help get 5.0 out the door more quickly.
These features will reappear in a later version of the product.