

MySQL Connector/Net 5.0.0アルファ1がリリースされました。


MySQL Connector/Net 5.0.0アルファ1がリリースされました。MySQL Connector/Netは、MySQL用の全てが管理されたADO.Netプロバイダーです。このリリースは、MySQLのどのバージョンにも対応していますが、このリリースを他のいかなる製品のデータにも使用しないことを強くお勧めします。このリリースは、まだ完全でないいくつかの機能と、まだ合格していないが、ベータ段階用のフィードバックを収集するために、一般に利用可能ないくつかのテストケースを具備しています。不完全なまたは動作していない分野の一覧については下をご覧ください。



* Support for ADO.Net 2.0 interfaces and subclasses
Some schema collections are not 100% complete and we are not currently doing
anything with the System.Transactions namespace.  This will change in
future versions.

* Re-architected to improve speed and flexibility
The internals of the provider have been improved to allow column values to
be retrieved without boxing in many cases.  Also, the internal changes have
enabled the future inclusion of embedded and client library support.

* Implemented Usage Advisor
The Usage Advisor first appeared in Connector/J.  We have now implemented
that feature in Connector/Net.  Enabling it causes the provider to check
both your queries and how you read the results and report to you if it
thinks you are using the provider in an inefficient manner.  It checks such
things as using a query without an index, not reading all the columns or
rows from a resultset, etc.

* Implemented asynchronous query methods
The MySqlCommand object now supports asynchronous queries.  This is
implemented using the BeginExecuteNonQuery and EndExecuteNonQuery methods.
We will include BeginExecuteReader and EndExecuteReader in the first beta

* Implemented stored procedure metadata caching
We now cache the metadata that is retrieved during stored procedure and
stored function execution.  This cache data is used for subsequent
executions of that stored routine.

* Added PerfMon hooks
This release includes PerfMon hooks to monitor stored procedure cache hits
and misses.
We are looking at adding additional hooks in the first beta release.

* Removed use of SharpZipLib library
We have replaced use of the SharpZipLib library with the deflate support
available with .NET 2.0.

Major things broken or missing?
* Connecting via shared memory or using compression
* Load data local infile is not working
* Use of System.Transactions
* Foreign key support in GetSchema

Note: All these will be fixed by the time we ship the first beta release.

Support for embedded server and client library has been removed
For those of you that have seen my presentations on 5.0, we decided to
remove these features to help get 5.0 out the door more quickly.  These
features will reappear in a later version of the product.

Thank you for checking out this release of Connector/Net.  We would like to
have the 5.0 provider be released as GA by the end of August but this is
only possible if our users test it and let us know what's wrong.  Thanks
again for your testing and feedback.