

MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.1.12が利用可能です


MySQLデータベース管理システム用ODBCドライバの新バージョンである、MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.1.12がリリースされました。このリリースは、5.1シリーズの最新リリースであり、MySQL 4.1以降のすべてのバージョンで使用可能です(4.0あるいはそれ以前のリリースでは動作しません。)





Changes in MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.1.12 (5 February, 2013)

   Functionality Added or Changed

     * The new connection option can_handle_exp_pwd indicates that
       your application includes error-handling logic to deal with
       the error code for an expired password. See Connector/ODBC
       Connection Parameters
       ration-connection-parameters.html) for the details of this
       connection option and the associated SQL state and native
       error code. See ALTER USER Syntax
       (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/alter-user.html) for
       details about password expiration for MySQL server accounts.
       This new option is added to the Windows GUI, through a
       checkbox Can Handle Expired Password on the Connection tab of
       the Details dialog.

     * The following reserved words were added to the list returned
       by the SQLGetInfo() ODBC function, for compatibility with the
       latest MySQL 5.6 syntax:

          + GET

          + IO_AFTER_GTIDS

          + IO_BEFORE_GTIDS

          + MASTER_BIND

          + ONE_SHOT

          + PARTITION

          + SQL_AFTER_GTIDS

          + SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS

   Bugs Fixed

     * The string returned by the SQLNativeSql function was not
       null-terminated as it should be. (Bug #14559721)

     * Specifying certain values for the CHARSET option in the
       connection string could cause a serious error when a query was
       executed. (Bug #14363601)

     * If multiple statements were called using the same statement
       handle, SQLColumns and possibly other catalog functions could
       return wrong results. Some field length values were not reset
       in the descriptor records. The issue occurred even if the
       statement handle was closed with SQL_CLOSE between the
       statements. (Bug #14338051)

     * If an application received a SIGPIPE signal, then another
       SIGPIPE signal immediately after (before the first signal
       handler was finished), the application could terminate rather
       than handling the second signal. (Bug #14303803)

     * Several catalog or info functions could raise an incorrect
       error String data, right truncated when only partial
       information was requested. For example, if the application
       called SQLDescribeCol(hstmt, ColNumber, ColName, BufferLen,
       ....), but did not want the column name (ColName == NULL and
       BufferLen == 0). SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO could also be returned
       rather than the correct value SQL_SUCCESS. This issue affected
       many ADO, DAO, and other applications.
       Affected functions include:
Spurious error and incorrect return code:


Incorrect return code:

       (Bug #14285620)

     * Calling the SQLTables function with a very long database or
       table name could cause a serious error. This fix allows the
       SQLTables function to accept database and table names with the
       maximum length of 64 characters. (Bug #14085211)

     * On a 64-bit system, calls to the SQLBindCol function using
       indicator variables (through the last parameter) could return
       incorrect results. (Bug #11766437, Bug #59541)

     * The symbols SQLInstallDriverEx, SQLInstallDriverExW, and
       SQLRemoveDriverW were exported, causing incompatibility with
       some commercial ODBC packages such as DataDirect ODBC, and
       making Connector/ODBC dependent on the unixODBC library
       libodbcinst.so.1. This issue was first observed in
       Connector/ODBC 5.1.8. (Bug #11766724, Bug #59900)

     * When a column with type TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, or
       LONGTEXT was retrieved from a table with a binary collation,
       the text fields were converted to a hexadecimal
       representation, even though these values were not really
       BLOBs. The unnecessary conversion could expand the data,
       causing overflow problems when storing the result values. (Bug
       #11746572, Bug #27282)